Interviews (English)

BY Admin, Christophe Lhopital, Dr. Wolf SiegertDATE Friday Last update: 8 July 2021 at 17:16


There was one topic missing at this CeBIT 2010: it’s 25th anniversary.

Therefore it was decided to make a series of interviews and to stream them here on "DaybyDay, ISSN 1860-2976" first.

Up to the end of week 11/2010 the access to this page was hidden by a user-ID and a login-password.

Up to that moment all the speakers could relate to their interviews, make remarks and reclaim changes, if a mistake was made.

Thereafter a DVD-production was realized and further activities are planned as well. Those speakers who might be quoted on a broadcast show will be informed in time.

If you want to have access to ALL the interviews displayed in a single player for saving memory and CPU-power - in English as well as in German - you may have a look at Interviews A-Z.

Here is the author and editor-in-chief of "DaybyDay ISSN 1860-2976" presenting the outline of (t)his project on March 1st on the CeBIT-Hanover fairground:

Intro: Siegert PhD, Wolf (English)
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And here are all the interviews, taken on this occasion, presented in alphabetical order:

Bullinger, Prof. Dr. habil. Prof. e.h. mult. Dr. h.c. mult., Hans-Joerg (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. e. h. mult. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans-Jörg Bullinger
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, President of Fraunhofer Headquarters (English)

Butterfield, Stewart (English)
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Stewart Butterfield, Co-Founder (English)

Eder, Norbert (English)
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Norbert Eder
Software AG, Vice President Corporate Communications (English)

Ellenbeck, Dirk (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Dirk Ellenbeck
Vodafone, Leiter Kommunikation Enterprise, Technik, Innovationen (English)

Engel, Stefan (English)
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Stefan Engel
Acer Inc., CEO (English)

Eyres, Kevin (English)
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Kevin Eyres
LinkedIn Corporation, Managing Director Europe (English)

Fesel, Claus (English)
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Claus Fesel
DATEV eG, Leiter Zentrales Marketing (English)

Gohmert, Kurt (English)
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Kurt Gohmert
T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, C-DA Global Account Daimler, Business Center Corporate Funtions, Customer Relationship Management (English)

Heitmann, Dr. Herbert (English)
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Dr. -Ing. Herbert Heitmann
SAP AG, Chief Communications Officer, Global Communications (English)

Heuser, Prof. Dr. e.h. Lutz (English)
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Prof. Dr. e.h. Lutz Heuser
SAP AG, Executive Vice President & Head of SAP Research (English)

Huang, Louis (English)
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Louis Huang
Thermaltake, Business Operations, Executive Vice President (English)

Jones, Michael (English)
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Michael Jones
Google [Earth], Chief Technology Advocat (English)

Kielgas, Sven (English)
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Sven Kielgas
SERVICEPLAN Gruppe für innovative Kommunikation, Partner (English)

Kiess, Michael (English)
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Michael Kiess
IBM, Manager of Communications (English)

Klavehn, Andreas (English)
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Andreas Klavehn
Carl Zeiss AG, Director Sales and Marketing Multimedia Devices (English)

Mulholland, Andy (English)
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Andy Mulholland
Capgemini UK plc, Global Chief Technology Officer (English)

Prueser, Prof. Dr. Sven (English)
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Prof. Dr. Sven Prüser
HTW, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Webciety (English)

Rabe, Alexander (English)
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Alexander Rabe
Frauenhofer IESE, Head of PR/Marketing | Executive Office Manager (English)

Raue, Ernst (English)
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Ernst Raue
Deutsche Messe Hannover, Member of the Board (English)

Reger, Dr. Joseph (English)
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Dr. Joseph Reger
FUJITSU Technology Solutions GmbH, Chief Technology Officer (English)

Schmidt, Jochen W. (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Jochen W. Schmidt
Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA, Managing Director, Head of TMT, Investment Banking (English)

Strobel, Martin (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Martin Strobel
Intel GmbH, PR Manager (English)

Tobias, Dr. Mario (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Dr. Mario Tobias
BITKOM, Head of Technologies & Services, Member of the Executive Board (English)

Urbanski, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Axel (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Axel Urbanski
iX-Magazin, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Science Writer & IT Consultant, Energy Efficiency Consultant (KfW) (English)

Urbanski, Thorsten (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Thorsten Urbanski
G Data, Public Relations Manager (English)

Urchs, Ossi (English)
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Ossi Urchs
F.F.T. Medienagentur (English)

Wolfram, Conrad (English)
No specific license (default rights) all rights reserved

Conrad Wolfram
Wolfram Research Inc., Director of Strategic & International Development (English)

Thank you to all those who took part in this experiment, here are your names again, this time in chronological order:

28. Februar 2010

Frauenhofer IESE
 Alexander Rabe - Head of PR/Marketing | Executive Office Manager

Bundesministerium des Innern
 Jan Möller - Referent Recht, Pass und Ausweiswesen

 Dr. Mario Tobias - Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Technologien & Dienste | Head of Technologies & Services, Member of the Executive Board

Carl Zeiss AG
 Andreas Klavehn - Leiter Vertrieb und Marketing Multimedia Devices | Director Sales and Marketing Multimedia Devices

 Dirk Ellenbeck - Leiter Kommunikation Enterprise, Technik, Innovationen |

T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH
 Kurt Gohmert - C-DA Global Account Daimler, Business Center Corporate Funtions, Customer Relationship Management |

Software AG
 Norbert Eder - Vice President Corporate Communications |

FUJITSU Technology Solutions GmbH
 Michael Melzig - Manager Marketing Business Clients, CoE Workplace Solutions, Technology Integration Services Deutschland

1. März 2010

 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer - Präsident BITKOM

Deutsche Messe Hannover
 Ernst Raue - Vorstand | Member of the Board

FUJITSU Technology Solutions GmbH
 Dr. Joseph Reger - Chief Technology Officer | Chief Technology Officer

Deutsche Telekom AG
 Norbert Hentges, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung | Chairman of the Managing Board, Business Customers

2. März 2010

 Dr. -Ing. Herbert Heitmann, Unternehmenssprecher, Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation | Chief Communications Officer, Global Communications

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. e. h. mult. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans-Jörg Bullinger , Präsident der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. | President of Fraunhofer Headquarters

F.F.T. Medienagentur
 Ossi Urchs |

Capgemini UK plc
 Andy Mulholland, Global Chief Technology Officer

Google Earth
 Michael Jones, Chief Technology Advocat

3. März 2010

 Louis Huang, Business Operations, Executive Vice President

SERVICEPLAN Gruppe für innovative Kommunikation
 Sven Kielgas

Technische Hochschule Wildau [FH]
 Prof. Dipl.-Inf. Birgit Wilkes, Telematik, Gebäudeautomation

 Prof. Dr. Dr. e.h. Lutz Heuser, Executive Vice President & Head of SAP Research |

Acer Inc.
 Stefan Engel, Geschäftsführer | CEO

Bundesministerium des Innern
 Dr. Marian Margraf, Oberregierungsrat Biometrie, Pass- und Ausweiswesen,Meldewesen, Bundesministerium des Innern |

4. März 2010

Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA
 Jochen W. Schmidt, Managing Director, Head of TMT, Investment Banking |

Intel GmbH
 Martin Strobel, Pressereferent Wirtschaftspresse DCH |

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
 Prof. Dr. Sven Prüser, Webciety |

 Michael Kiess, Unternehmenssprecher | Manager of Communications

 Claus Fesel, Leiter Zentrales Marketing |

5. März 2010

G Data
 Thorsten Urbanski, Public Relations Manager | Public Relations Manager

Wolfram Research Inc.
 Conrad Wolfram, Director of Strategic & International Development

iX-Magazin, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag
 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Axel Urbanski, Technischer Autor & IT Berater, Energieeffizienz-Berater (KfW) |,
 Stewart Butterfield, Co-Founder

LinkedIn Corporation
 Kevin Eyres, Managing Director Europe

And: a special "Merci" to all the members of the team
— in Hannover: Marion Lo Voelsen, Christophe Lhopital - and: "Fiffi".
— in Berlin: Adriana Fiaco and Klaus Meier.

 An dieser Stelle wird der Text von 10631 Zeichen mit folgender VG Wort Zählmarke erfasst: