Entgegen der Ankündigung eines Vortrages vom nest-CEO Tony Fadell auf der IFA 2014

ist in dem "Nest Keynote Abstract" Mitte Augst zu lesen:
From Connected to Conscious:
How Technology is transforming the Future of the Home
In his keynote, Matt Rogers, founder and VP of Engineering of Nest, will talk about the future of the conscious home - one that is safer, more energy-efficient, and more aware of its occupants and surroundings. Heג€™ll discuss how our homes can begin taking care of us instead of the other way around.
Rogers will also discuss the Works with Nest program, which enables meaningful interactions between Nest products and other elements of the home. And he will offer a glimpse into whats next for Nest in Europe and beyond.
Auf der "about"-Seite bei nest.com wird Matt als der "Founder & Engineering" vorgestellt:
"Matt was responsible for iPod software development at Apple, from concept to production. He is passionate about mobile products, loves team building and rapid productization. Matt earned his BS and MS degrees from Carnegie Mellon University."
Und auf seinen Blog verwiesen.
Für 14 Uhr ist dann die Keynote: Shaping the Future of Audio von Daniel [1]
und Andreas Sennheiser [2] angekündigt:
" Andreas Sennheiser and his brother Daniel Sennheiser assumed overall responsibility of the company by becoming CEOs as of 1 July 2013. Together they drive the strategic focus to create superior value for the end user and follow their vision to create the future of audio, based on heritage, innovation culture and passion for excellence."