Zum ersten Mal verbindet der "Startup Day@IFA" Startups aus Zukunftsbranchen wie Connected Home, Wearables, Health Care und Urban Technologies.
IFA TecWatch und der Bundesverband Deutsche Startups (https://germanstartups.org/) bündeln für den "Startup Day@IFA“ ihre Kräfte, um die neuesten Produkte und besten Innovationen aus Europas jungen Unternehmen, den Besucher der IFA, Investoren und etablierten globalen Unternehmen zu präsentieren. Der Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V. ist das größte Netzwerk für Wachstumsunternehmen in Deutschland.
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zum Start-up Day am Dienstag, 9. September 2014, im TecWatch Forum, Halle 11.1
Im Rahmen von IFA TecWatch gestaltet der Bundesverband Deutsche Start-ups e.V. diesen Tag mit spannenden Keynotes und Diskussionsrunden zu Themen wie:
• Politische und wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen für eine Gründer-Kultur in Deutschland
• e-Mobilität, Smart Home & Digital Health: die nächsten großen Themen aller an der IFA beteiligten Industriezweige
• Startups im Wettbewerb der Ideen
• Partnerschaftsmodelle zwischen Start-ups und Industrie.
Nutzen Sie diesen Tag der Begegnung für inspirierende Dialoge, lassen Sie sich anregen zu spannenden Innovationsthemen in Ihren Publikationen.
Das Programm des Start-up Day im Detail:
10:00 Startup Breakfast in der Lounge Area
Alle Teilnehmer können am Start-up Breakfast im Startup Day-Bereich teilnehmen
11:00 Eröffnung und Begrüßung
Florian Nöll, Vorsitzender, Bundesverband deutsche Startups e.V.
11:15 Die Digitale Agenda
Nadine Schön (Stellv. Vorsitzende der CDU/ CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag)
11:30 Keynote – Erkenntnisse aus 15 Jahren Berlin Startup Ecosystem / Start-up-Szene Berlin
Prof. Dr. Sven Ripsas, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
12:00 The German Startup Ecosystem – e-Mobilität, Smart Home & Digital Health
Moderatorin: Julia Derninger und Gäste: Sascha Schubert – Bundesverband Deutsche Startups
Thomas delos Santos – Innovative Mobility Automobile GmbH Dr.-Ing. Christian Bogatu – Kiwi.ki GmbH
14:15 Why Strategic Partnerships matter
Florian Steger, Senior Investment Manager, hub:raum – Inkubator der Deutschen Telekom (Vortrag in Englisch)
14:45 Pitch Marathon Teil I
5 Startups (Vortrag in Englisch)
16:00 Pitch Marathon Teil II
5 Startups (Vortrag in Englisch)
17:15 Closing
The myth "Big Data"! The possibility of collecting and using large amounts of data is at the top of the agenda for science, politics and industry. But does the term "Big Data" really stand for? What costs are associated with the archiving of these data sets? "Big Data" promises useful insights for medicine, education, and marketing, but carries risks in terms of data protection, data breaches and data manipulation. In what way, then, will Big Data influence society and economic life?
Will the potential of Big Data be harnessed without losing control of the data? Recent opinions and developments in the field are the focus of this session.
09:00 - 09:20
Keynote - Big Data
Beware Technopanic – Why We Shouldn´t Be Afraid of Google
Jeff Jarvis, Journalist and Author
09:20 - 09:30
Short talk - Big Data
Big Data - The Good, the Bad and the Government
Jeff Jarvis, Journalist and Author
09:30 - 09:40
Short talk - Big Data
Data Design for Personalization - Current Challenges and Emerging Opportunities
Elizabeth F. Churchill, Director of Human Computer Interaction, eBay Research Labs (ERL)
09:40 - 09:50
Short talk - Big Data
Behavioral Analytics as the Solution to Big Data in Biometrics
Olov Renberg, COO and Co-founder, BehavioSec
09:50 - 10:25
Discussion - Big Data
— Prof. Dr.-Ing Karlheinz Brandenburg, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT
— Jeff Jarvis, Journalist and Author
— Ben Scott, Senior Advisor, Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation
Not Just Screens - Design, Interaction and the Senses
Michal Rinott, Senior Faculty Member, Holon Institute of Technology (HIT)
11:35 - 11:45
Short talk - Design
Redefining Quality - Designing for the 21st Century
Nikolaus Hafermaas, Founder, Uebersee Inc.
11:45 - 12:15
Discussion - Design
— Tjeerd Hoek, Vice President Creative, frog
— Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Lab
— Caroline Seifert, Senior Vice President Product Design, Deutsche Telekom
The "Internet of Things"! Washing machines that only run when electricity is cheap. Automated heating and ventilation systems. What will housing look like in the future? What opportunities will we have by adding computer sensors to everyday objects? Will connected devices to the network make living space more comfortable and efficient? Smart home technologies are increasingly becoming an integral part of everyday life. Digitally networked devices make our living area more comfortable and efficient. Such advances will likely lead to questions like, "will smart devices learn to think in the future?" This session will examine whether "smart home" technologies will be the solution, and future, of optimized living.
13:30 - 13:50
Keynote - Home
Spying Toasters and Broken Business Models - How Can We Save the Internet of Things?
Paul R. Brody, Global Industry Leader, Electronics Member, IBM Industry Academy
13:50 - 14:00
Short talk - Home
Connecting the Connected Home
Mike Stauffer, Senior Director Business Development, Qualcomm Connected Experiences, Inc.
14:00 - 14:10
Short talk - Home
Bluetooth Home Networking and the Cloud
Joe Decuir, Standards Architect, CSR
14:10 - 14:20
Short talk - Home
Smart Home - The Internet is Changing Everything, Again
Christopher Schläffer, CEO and Founder, yetu AG
14:20 - 14:30
Short talk - Home
On the Net Nobody Knows You´re a Dumb Thing
Dominique Guinard, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, EVRYTHNG
14:30 - 15:00
Discussion - Home
— Sahin Albayrak, Chairman, Connected Living e.V.
— Paul R. Brody, Global Industry Leader, Electronics Member, IBM Industry Academy
— Dominique Guinard, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, EVRYTHNG
Society in the age of "Web 2.0" and "Social Media"! Consumers are becoming producers. Anyone and everyone can now produce film, compose music, and create news. Is this a curse or a blessing? In the future, who will be producing what content for whom? What are people willing to pay for reliable news and entertainment media? It´s a battle between creative freedom and copyright law, a question of recognition and value. How do diverse media platforms affect the format and content of media and audio? Is a peaceful coexistence between traditional entertainment and the latest media models possible? In this session, international experts and media professionals venture a look into the future of the world of entertainment.
15:15 - 15:35
Keynote - Entertainment
The Modern Media Conundrum - How to Engage Young Adults
Benjamin Ruth, CEO and Publisher (Germany), VICE Media GmbH
15:35 - 15:45
Short talk - Entertainment
Entertainment Evolution - How Consumers Are Re-Defining Behaviour.
David Sidebottom, Senior Market Analyst – Entertainment Content & Delivery, Futuresource Consulting
15:45 - 15:55
Short talk - Entertainment
Content Driven TV-Apps – How to Make Your TV-App a Place to Revisit Everyday
Rachel Mischke , Senior Product Management, TeraVolt GmbH
15:55 - 16:05
Short talk - Entertainment
Play Everywhere - How the Mobile Internet Changes the Music Market
Stefan Zilch, Managing Director of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Central and Eastern Europe, Spotify
16:05 - 16:40
Discussion - Entertainment
Rachel Mischke , Senior Product Management, TeraVolt GmbH
— Benjamin Ruth, CEO and Publisher (Germany), VICE Media GmbH
— David Sidebottom, Senior Market Analyst – Entertainment Content & Delivery, Futuresource Consulting
Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, DC, Advisor to the European Union and to heads of state around the world