Design Thinking & Idea Development (I)

BY Dr. Wolf SiegertDATE Friday Last update: 1 July 2019 at 17:37zum Post-Scriptum


Today we start a new series of lectures.

The topic is called "Design Thinking and Idea Development"

The sector we will work in is called Innovation Development and is coded by an "M3". The reference# of this group is "HM017".

It is part of a new Master of Arts program called "Management of Creative Industries " at the bbw University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.

These are the official bbw-statements:

Set your sights on the Creative Industries
Although they may appear to involve differentiated professions at fi the Creative Industries actually share many similarities across the realms of culture, business organization, and management.
No matter where you see yourself working in the future, in fi music, fashion, design, architecture, marketing, the games industry or even at an IT-driven start-up, the bbw University of Applied Sciences’ Management of Creative Industries Master’s Program will provide you with the ideal set of skills to succeed in this exciting and dynamic economic sector

Bright Perspectives
Berlin is a vibrant hub for the Creative Industries. The German capital is world-renowned for its broad spectrum of job and business opportunities that require creative expertise. That’s why the bbw Master’s Program was created – to prepare you for roles in all branches of the Creative Industries, ranging from Project Manager, Innovation Manager, Social Media or Community Manager, Consultant or even as the Founder of your own innovative start-up.

An Holistic Approach
The bbw Master’s Program takes a holistic approach to address the disruptive impact the “Digital Shift” is having on society, the economy and the media. The program focuses on innovation-development techniques such as Design Thinking to help foster your skills associated with Product Development, Intellectual Property Management, Branding, Advanced Information and Communication Technologies.

Open to Future Innovations
Our experienced teachers and professors have the know- how and business track record to impart the knowledge you will need to understand Human Resource Management, Methods and Strategies of CCI Management, Strategic Financial Planning, and Controlling. The program also encompasses new Sharing Economy and Community Driven Marketing approaches to help prepare you for the innovative business schemata of the future.

This is the doyen of the program Prof. Dr. Malte Behrmann

about his new approach to this Master’s Degree in Management of Creative Industries:

— We are interested in the managers who make these companies (in the creative field) work and enable the artists to do their proper work

— At this very point it is more important to learn and to teach holistic knowledge about all these industries

— You have to develop specific "survival skills" for the long run

— We will try to develop these theories together with the students from their different viewpoints and sub-sectors

— We speak about and with students, who will lead a team, a project, a new company

— The digital shift is the major challenge and we have to learn how to survive in these new, transferring sectors like fashion, advertisement, games, theater and art

Here are some guidelines to focus the orientation of these new courses. But all participants will be encouraged to contribute with their own ideas and proposals to this concept in the making.

This is the overall presentation abstract

An introduction to definitions and concepts of creativity: It explores what creativity is and reflects methods of innovation with concepts of taste, consumer needs and the user interface.
Underlying principles are the corporate social responsibility of a company within ethics.

Students will be able to analyze complex situations of interdisciplinary problems. They will develop creative solutions and evaluate them critically. They will adequately implement the solutions in practice and estimate the implementation in practice. Objective: critical, analytical and creative thinking, problem solving and transfer skills

Innovating: exploring - designing – embedding. Students learn different innovation theories and methods - for example, improvised, intuitive or routinized approaches and in the context of organizations in its various dimensions.
The application of the innovation helix (Krusche & Zillner) „Exploring, Designing and Embedding“ is enriched with many intermediate steps and tools.
Elements come from the various creative sectors different examples singled out (as Scrum) and compared in scope.

• Status quo of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI): Cultural theory – economic theory
•National cultural and creative economy reports: Trans sectorial and sub-sector specific elements
• Environmental analysis and external factors, political factors, market perspectives
• Transversal analysis: Contracts between art and commerce
• Cluster strategies and specificities: The rise of the creative class
• New creative industries: Share economy, Internet of things, Convergence of media
• User perspective, Feasibility studies

Looking for "innovation helix (Krusche & Zillner) " and for "Scrum" we found with the help of this marvellous software-tool MENDELEY [1] [2] the following examples:

Bernhard Krusche, Sonja Zillner (17 May 2008):
— Stop making sense! Successful team cooperation in global context
Print ISSN1618-7849
— Stop Making Sense! Erfolgreiche Teamkooperation in globalen Kontexten
Online ISSN 1862-2615 [3]

Sonja Zillner, Bernd Krusche:
Systemisches Innovationsmanagement. Grundlagen – Strategien - Instrumente. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft · Steuern · Recht GmbH (Stuttgart) 2012. ISBN 978-3-7910-3198-9. Reihe: Systemisches Management.

K Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland (October 2011)
The Scrum Guide - The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game
ISSN: 00195847

May be, you have never heard about Helixinnovation or the need for Scrum-Management, but if you klick on these highlighted Links in this line you will find some daily-live examples.

These are the qualification objectives

An introduction to definitions and concepts of creativity. It explores what creativity is and reflects methods of innovation with concepts of taste, consumer need and the user interface.
Underlining the corporate social responsibility of a company within ethics.
Students will be able
 to analyze complex situations of interdisciplinary problems
 to develop creative solutions for an interdisciplinary problem and to evaluate them critically
 to adequately implement the solutions in practice and estimate the implementation in practice.
Objective: critical, analytical and creative thinking, problem solving and transfer skills

These are some content topics

 Innovation: Theory and tools
 Idea in an environment
 Understanding innovation as a complex and not one-dimensional process
 Design Thinking: Core elements of DT: process, space and multidisciplinary
 Design thinking as a method or as a philosophy
 (Non-) strategic idea design
 Real ideas come from inside
 Embrace the moment
 Trust yourself in a strategic context

How to? Here’s a concrete proposal

Do have a look at look at this page, dated February 24th 2017:
 Design Thinking & Idea Development (III)

Here you can meet your lecturer in person

before joining this course, presenting one of his keynotes 2016 in Berlin on the topic of "Your Future in VR":


In a recent review of this text we integrated a more complete review from TUM

and a download-portal from Computer BILD on the topic "Literaturverzeichnis generieren" from CITAVI up to ZOTERO.



Getting Started with Mendeley

[2By the way: Mendeley is not the only solution for doing this kind of work.

You may as well have a look at Endnote or at Citavi

Here is a comment of a friend, comparing these two offers - in German:

Endnote hat den Vorteil hat, dass es für Windows, Mac und iOS verfügbar ist und eine sehr brauchbare Cloud Lösung hat. Und es ist für Leute, die sehr viel international wissenschaftlich in Fachzeitschriften publizieren, viel mächtiger als Citavi. Endnote kommt mit über 6000 Templates für Literaturverzeichnisse und Fußnoten praktisch alle denkbaren Fachzeitschriften, egal welcher Disziplin.

Also für jemanden, der sich ernsthaft damit beschäftigt, weil er z.B. promoviert oder sonst wie wissenschaftlich tätig ist, sicherlich die bessere Wahl, allerdings mit einer hohen Lernkurve und sehr angelsächsisch.

Citavi ist besser auf den deutschen Markt angepasst, viel intuitiver und hat im Gegensatz zu Endnote sehr schöne Möglichkeiten in Projekten neben den reinen Literaturhinweisen auch Informationen zu sammeln. Wenn man in der Regel nur vor sich hinschreibt und mehr für sich selbst publiziert, ist Citavi sicherlich die 20% des Featuresets von Endote, die man braucht.

Die Leute pflegen Ihre Anwendung auch kontinuierlich, obwohl natürlich viel kleiner als Thomson-Reuters, aber haben es z.B. vergeblich versucht, ihre Anwendung auf MacOS zu portieren oder eine App zu basteln, die dann z.B. mit Dropbox funktioniert. Auch als Entwickler sind die Endnote Leute viel besser (und wahrscheinlich 10x so viele).

Citavi sieht immer so aus, als ob nie mehr als zwei Leute da dran bauen (in dritter Generation oder so, ich sehe immer so eine Alm-Softwarewirtschaft vor mir mit Bildern der Großväter und Väter an der Wand, wenn ich die Software starte). Sehr familiäre Software, aber selbst wenn die irgendwann mal eingehen sollten, weil keine Nachkommen mehr auf der Alm sind, die die Fackel weiter tragen, kann man kann die Daten rechts solide in eine Vielzahl von Formaten exportieren.

[3Look at the Copyright Clearence Center for this title

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