Preview: The Holographic Academy #2

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 29. September 2017 um 11 Uhr 55 Minuten


Einladung in die Räume der Technischen Universität Berlin, Hauptgebäude "H", Raum 2053, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin (Stand 22. 09. 2017):

Die kostenfreie Teilnahme kann unter diesem Link der Firma Eventbrite angemeldet werden:

9:00 Doors opening.

9:30 – 9:45 Presenting: Holographic Academy and VRBLN Focus by Carl White, VRBB by Stephan Schindler.

9:45 – 10:15 Fabian Quosdorf, game developer at Laubwerk ( has worked on multiple Hololens projects (including a holographic demo for the Porsche museum). He will tell us more about the challenges in integrating holographic elements into Hololens.

10:15 – 10:45 Jenn Beutnagel from Interlake ( She will tell us “Why Mixed Reality is the future of computers” with an insight on how holography and the enhancement of our real world through digital devices like HoloLens, Amazon Alexa, Smartwatches etc. is becoming the future of computers.

10:45 – 11:15 Ingo Feldmann from the HHI Fraunhofer Institute ( is working on developing the Fraunhofer HHI Volumetric Video capture capture system and technology. He will give us an insight on the evolution of their project and explain how real people can be captured and used (besides VR) for AR and MR applications.

Eine sehr ausführliche Beschreibung der bisherigen und aktuellen Forschungsaktivitäten. Inklusive der Versuche, volumetrisches Video zu produzieren in einem "mobilen" Studio.

11:15 – 11:45 Matthäus Oelschläger, a game developer doing research at Humboldt-Universität, has worked on a Unity project for the HoloLens. He will share his thoughts on the limitations of working with HoloLens within the Unity environment.

Matthäus kommt aus der Praxis und erklärt sehr anschaulich was heute schon geht - und was geht. Er gibt auch viele Beispiele, wo offensichtlichen Erwartungen bislang nicht erfüllt werden konnten. Zum Beispspiel die Nutzung von Hololens-Anwendungen im Zusammenhang einer Skype-Schaltung (kommt beides von Microsoft und spielt - dennoch - nicht gut zusammen). Er macht auf viele der Begrenzungen aufmerksam, die sich in den aktuellen Produktions-Szenarien immer noch fast zwangsläufig ergeben.

13:00 – 13:15 Carl White from VRBB ( will give a short introduction about opportunities to do business in China. He recently spent a few weeks in different cities in China meeting with VR associations, companies and investors.


13:15 – 13:45 Sabine Yang-Schmidt from the IHK Potsdam ( has lived and worked in China for more than six years, advised international businesses on market entries in both Consulting firms and with the German Chamber of Commerce. She will provide us with a “Toolkit for Startups – New Markets in China”.

13:45 – 14:15 Dinesh Punni working for the VR/MR startup Meshicon and teaching VR/MR will give us a workshop on how to get started with voice recognition API with the HoloLens.

14:15 – 14:45 Robert Meyer and Julian Löhr, VR/MR researchers at the HTW ( and Stefan Beckers from the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf ( will present their project called “Movie Sphere: A Holographic Workplace” which is a system that allows to visualize movie archives.

14:45 – 15:15 Andreas Daniel Matt, mathematician and CEO of IMAGINARY ( will present HOLO-MATH ( HOLO-MATH is a project by Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris), One More (Paris), Holo-Light (Munich) and IMAGINARY (Berlin) to produce immersive live experiences for a group of visitors using HoloLens in a museum or exhibition context. Insights into the development of the first episode on Brownian Motion will be shown.

15:15 – 15:45 Felix Herbst and Thi Binh Minh Nguyen from Prefrontal Cortex are working between art, design and industry. They’ll talk about interaction superpowers and showcase their projects at AND with Meta2.

15:45 – 16:15 UFA labs (program to be announced)

16:15 – 16:45 Pitch your project

16:45 – 17:30 Networking

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