Framework and Guidelines for the presentations
assembled and agreed on at the 2nd. session January 27th. 2018:
– The presentation is the result of the design thinking process.
– The group is a challenging- and dialogue-partner for each presenter during the process of development.
– The process of finding the theme and designing the framework is part of the work that may be presented.
– It is allowed to present a project / projects, an idea /ideas, even an intuition - not yet ready for print, but ready for discussion.
– It has to be comprehensive even for those, who are not specialists in the field.
– It is not necessary to present a traditional complete design-concept. It is allowed and even fostered to use the idea of "design" as part of complete rethinking concept.
– The most difficult challenge of this project is the chance to create something you’ve really dreamed of.
– The tools of the presentation can vary from Power-Point up to making a Video. Everything is permitted to do the "thinking-out-of-the-box".
– The presentation should be accompanied by a written paper. This paper is a pretext to learn to deal with the tools helpful or even necessary for writing a master-thesis. But it has not to be a copycat for this presentation (it could be an abstract, a "making-of-paper", a commented illustration of the slides used, ...)
– You don’t fail because you present a process that failed. But do show us, how you managed this process and what kind of obstacles hampered you to be successful.
To even better prepare the collaborative working with the online-tools provided by the school we have asked a member of the bbw-team to give the group an extra insight and to answer questions.
We’ve got a positive answer, but not for this day. It is recommended to collect the questions and topics of interest today in order to be presented to the person in charge. If there is someone, who wants to make this application-design, his/her critique and proposal a topic of his or her presentation, you are invited to do so.
You’ve already some topics of your own in your mind? if not, here are two which may be of interest to you:
– Last year we’ve had one subject to be developed in conjunction with the bbw-Hochschule: The Buddy Bear Project.
This year we will have an even more attractive topic to be presented and discussed and taken care of, which will have a direct positive influence on your upcoming modes of work at this school.
– We will have an official guest from a just 10-year-old start-up-company from California. And he will talk about how the whole project started and ask you how to even better promote the acceptance of 100% electric vehicles.
Do have look at their website: "In only 10 years Zero has grown from a startup in a Santa Cruz garage into an internationally respected brand that is revolutionizing the motorcycle industry."
Matchmaking with student’s topics
During the first two encounters, some fields of interest were mentioned by individual students. Here are some concrete hints for a potential matchmaking effort - all based on the proposals of the VERTIGO Platform:
Another great opportunity is this year’s transmediale festival, starting January 31st. here in Berlin documented in this publication: "tm to go 2018: "face value"".
One of the many topics that may match with the student’s interests is the announcement of the Launch of EMAP: The European Media Art Platform on Thursday, February 1st. 16:30 - 18:00 in the Café Stage at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The participation at this event is free of charge.
This Friday we start again at 8:30 h in room SR4 in the "Haus der Wirtschaft".
At 12:00 h we will do an "inspection tour" to the room 422 in the main-building. We may stay there in order to receive the ZERO-Motorcycle representative from 13:00 h on (may be he will come with one of his own vehicles ;-).
The day of all the presentations is not Friday, 16th. - at this day we hope to have a Moodle-talk with one of the bbw-officials - but Friday, 23rd. And we will have the room 123 for the whole day.
And if we are done, there is still the idea to prepare a meal by and for all of us?!
Any concrete proposals - that would be a common design-thinking with a real prototype. For all of us, as design-thinkers, makers and "users".