News Impact Summit Berlin

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 30. Juli 2019 um 22h02minzum Post-Scriptum


News Impact Summit Berlin

Hier ein Einblick in das aktuelle Programm.

Eine Teilnahme wird an diesen Punkten der Veranstaltung möglich sein:

09:45 — 10:00
Welcome Remarks & Intro to the Programme
Adam Thomas
European Journalism Centre

Isabelle Sonnenfeld
Google News Lab

10:00 — 10:30
Notes on Mentorship and Personal Growth

Session details will be added soon.
Teresa Bücker

Isabelle Sonnenfeld
Google News Lab

10:30 — 11:00
A Bird’s-Eye View on Change and Leadership Challenges across the Industry

Leading an organisation through a constantly changing media environment is no easy feat. But it’s also the new reality that many newsroom managers have to grapple with on a daily basis. In this conversation, Anita and Blathnaid will share insights from their own experience and talk about their approach to innovation, team management, hiring processes and much more.

Anita Zielina
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Blathnaid Healy
CNN Digital International

Adam Thomas
European Journalism Centre

11:00 — 11:30
Coffee Break & Networking

11:30 — 12:00
Brave New Work: Insights from Google

Work consumes at least one-third of our lives, and half of our waking hours. It can and ought to be more than a means to an end. We know from research that there are a few important aspects that will improve the work life of people. Some of these aspects are connected to understanding the impact of our work, feeling empowered and having a high degree of flexibility. Addressing these needs is a promising path in securing the best talent and allowing them to learn and grow over the long term.
Alexandra Großkurth

12:00 — 12:10
How We Got 36.000 People to Meet with a Stranger and Talk about Politics – for Hours

My Country Talks is an international project initiated by ZEIT ONLINE that facilitates one-on-one discussions between people who live close together but hold different political opinions – a political Tinder, if you like, to overcome polarisation in society. Sebastian will tell us how the platform was used in Germany, Switzerland and Austria this year and what are the next steps.

Sebastian Horn
ZEIT Online

Innovation Needs a Network to Thrive

“A support scheme for future media leaders and catalyst for innovative ideas.” This is how the News Impact Network was introduced earlier this year. In this panel, four members of this new programme will share some of the things they have learned from each other and from the experts they met along the way, around leadership, newsroom transformation, and community engagement.

Esther Alonso

Kustaw Bessems
de Volkskrant

Alex Entwistle
BBC Radio 5 Live

Rachel Hamada
The Ferret / The Bureau Local

Mattia Peretti
European Journalism Centre

Mit Mattia wurde nach Abschluss der Podiumsveranstaltung dieses Gespräch geführt:

Und danach dieses Gespräch mit einer FU-Studentin der Kommunikationswissenschaft, die an dieser Veranstaltung teilgenommen hatte:


Mag sein, dass dieses Thema an diesem Tage nicht zur Sprache gebracht werden wird, dennoch in diesem Zusammenhang diese Presse-Erklärung von amnesty international vom 26. November 2018, die nach dem Ende der Sperrfrist am nachfolgenden Tag auch hier zur Kenntnis gebracht wird:

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