TRACY & her fast car CHAPMAN

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 10. Juni 2020 um 12h46min


Today is the first day of three holiday-days.
It is decided to leave Berlin and to drive to Bad Muskau.
Not with this BMW-bike, but in this Mercedes-car behind:

Whilst driving this car out of town this last weeks article Black Covid Floyd is still in discussion and this black woman with her Fast-Car Song sticks in my mind...

... singing "Cross the border and into the city..."

Tracy Chapman is singing in this new video whilst we leave the city of Berlin and cross the border to Brandenburg.

This is not a new song. This song is more than one generation old. My daughter was just born when I heard it the first time:

In this song - still dreaming of getting a job and "sitting around waiting for a promotion - in this song, the word "promotion" leads to the whispering word of a "revolution".

Again, in a recently published BBC-Video:

And in a much earlier version as early as 1988:

And now, we write the year 2020. The young writer Remy Ngamije is "Talkin’ About A Revolution" on page 4 of "The Namibian", 2020-06-05. And we in Germany should stop just whispering the truth...