Hier der Link zu einem W I R E D - Artikel vom 9. September 2020 von Sophie Charara :
Some people never let BlackBerry go. Their reward? A 2021 comeback
BlackBerry is back with a new BB-branded phone coming in 2021. For some people, it never went away
Darin heisst es:
Matlock, whose favourite BB device is the Classic and most recently used a KEY2 LE (2018), also alludes to the inconveniences and basic user issues BlackBerry fans have had to put up with over the past few years: “We need Blackberry to get on the same page and give us a phone that works, and we don’t have to compromise on, like we have in the past. A good phone experience should be complemented by an amazing keyboard, not limited by it.”
Features editor Britta O’Boyle von Pocket-lint aus London gibt in ihrem Beitrag vom 20. Januar 2021 nochmals einen umfassen Überblick bzw. Rückblick auf: The history of Blackberry: The best BlackBerry phones that changed the world und zeigt uns in Bild und Wort eine "non-exhaustive list of BlackBerry devices, from its origins" dem BB 850:

"to its last", dem BB Key2:

Dem entgegen spricht der TECHRADAR - Beitrag von Steve McCaskill vom 14. Januar 2021 : BlackBerry sells smartphone patents to Huawei
BlackBerry continues retreat from mobile devices [...] Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail reported records from the US Patent and Trademark Office (US PTO) confirmed the transfer of the intellectual property, while BlackBerry’s CFO also confirmed the reports in an investor call earlier this week.
Dem entgegen spricht auch die MOBILE WORLD LIVE - Meldung vom 5. April 2021, in der Justin Springham am Ende senes Beitrags: LG quits mobile phone business zu bedenken gibt und zitiert:
Ben Wood, chief analyst and CMO at CCS Insight, reflected LG clearly decided it could no longer accept “the endless losses associated with the company continuing with its mobile phone business”.
He cautioned smaller rivals, noting if a company with the scale of LG’s consumer electronics business can struggle in the mobile phone sector, there are question marks on how long other sub-scale manufacturers “can remain in such a highly competitive, over-saturated market”.
Und heute, am 6. April 2021 gibt Aakash Jhaveri in einem weiteren TECHRADAR-Beitrag einen ganz persönlichen Rückblick zum Thema: LG phones are over - here are our memories of its top phones from the last 25 years.
Am Ende seines Textes nimmt der Bezug auf das 2020 gelaunchte LG Wing, eben noch geplant als das erste Produkt einer ganzen Reihe neuer Produkte aus einer Explorer genannten Serie:
Um dann mit diesen Zeilen zu schliessen:
The Wing is a fitting swansong for LG’s smartphone journey, cementing its place in the history books as one of the most innovative brands in this space, being unafraid of experimenting and going against the norms; while serving as a reminder of how unforgiving the smartphone market can be.