Berlin <-> Tel-Aviv

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 6. September 2021 um 23h11minzum Post-Scriptum

"The holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are traditionally a time for introspection, asking for and giving forgiveness, resolving to do better, and praying for a healthy and happy year to come. Testimony, artifacts, photos, cards and prayer books from Yad Vashem’s collections, offer a glimpse into some of the ways that Jews before, during and immediately after the Holocaust marked the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. "


Thanks for all the feedback triggered by this note:

 Including the playlist of Assaf Kacholi on his SPRINGSTOFF-CD: BERLIN - TEL AVIV

notably his song "Berlin im Licht":

 Including the Link to this page

of the "Reisebuch": "Tel Aviv Berlin"

 Including this stocking-offer by DISCO HALAL BERLIN TEL AVIV: