StudioBabelsberg: erneut verkauft

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Samstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 14. Januar 2022 um 20h00minzum Post-Scriptum


Schon im letzten Jahr verabredet, aber erst seit Wochenbeginn bekannt gemacht und in einem Gespräch mit dem Co-Geschäftsführer Christoph Fisser in der Sendung FAZIT von Deutschlandfunk Kultur erläutert:

Übernahme: Das Studio Babelsberg hat einen neuen Investor


Zum Ende der Woche - trotz Umzugs - gefunden: Der Bericht von dem vormaligen Käufer französischer Provenienz: Compagnie Générale des Eaux: 1992. Annual Report, Paris 1992, 146:

Studio Babelsberg, Potsdam

The Berlin studios

In August 1992 CIP acquired the DEFA studios, which stand on 46 hectares of land at Babelsberg near Berlin. In the inter-war years these studios (owned by UFA) were one of the most active production centres in the world, turning out such legendary films as Von Sternberg’s Blue Angel and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. After World War 2 the East German authorities saw to it that Babelsberg remained extremely active.

Together with the British group, Chelsfield plc, CIP is planning to build a ’’media city’’ in Babelsberg - a co-ordinated and lively urban development to attract media and entertainment industries, with all necessary service, office and residential space. Planning is already well under way and five international groups of architects and landscape planners have been asked to submit plans. An exhibition of their submissions has been organized jointly by Euromedien, a subsidiary specifically set up to supervise the development, and the local authorities.

If the necessary permits are obtained, construction work is due to begin on the first 4.5 - hectare section in autumn 1993. A joint venture undertaken with the Bertelsmann group should bring six companies into this area at the beginning of 1994. They will occupy 5,000 square metres of office space.

The studios themselves are being renovated completely. Since mid-1992 four films have already been made there.

Darüber hinaus liegen umfangreiche Dokumentationen des Engagements durch den neuen Eigentümer vor, sowie Zeugnisse des darin eigebnundenen eigenen mehrjährigen Engagements, die aber aktuell von Microsoft nicht mehr zur Verfügung gestellt werden können: