ITB eTravel Track
The ITB eTravel Track deals with important topics from the areas of distribution, marketing and travel technology. Exciting panel discussions, exclusive interviews with industry decision-makers, best practice examples about personalization and augmented reality, hotel tech startup pitches and inspiring case studies are all on the agenda. In addition to current developments in travel distribution, key topics include the impact of advancing digitalization and automation on the industry and expanding the role of digital identities within the tourism industry. In addition, business intelligence solutions for a variety of industry segments will be evaluated.
10.45 - 11.00 am
Metaverse - Accelerating businesses’ leap into the future
- Classification of the topic
– what exactly is it about?
– Differences to other players in the market
– General opportunities and challenges
– Opportunities for the industry
Jan Starcke
Travel Industry Lead | Meta (facebook)
Catharina Fischer
consultant | realizing progress(Moderation)
12.00 - 12.15 pm
Improve the sales experience of your customers – best practice with Condor
- How to level up your marketing with personalized videos and create engaging experiences for customers.
– New scalability of direct marketing
– Who can use personalized videos?
– Fully automated processes
Sebastian Beck
International Sales Manager | ISO Travel Solutions GmbH
Jens Boyd
Commercial Director | Condor Airline
Exhibitor Presentations & Press Conferences
Im vorangegangenen Programm
3.00 - 3.30 pm
Im Rahmen des Programms "Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism Competition – Winner’s Presentation" gibt es u.a. Angebote zum Thema Accessable Tourism, präsentiert von
Dr. Yasmine Gray, Founding Director |, Australia
3.30 - 4.00 pm
Virtualand: An Immersive Virtual Experience for Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
VirtuaLand delivers a Virtual Reality (VR) interactive platform, where selected Cultural Heritage Objects are converted to cultural and touristic scenarios. Users not only browse the assets of interest, but experience life into another era, become acquainted with the living conditions of that period and interact with characters of the era.
Christos Bellosa
Konstantinos Stefanou
Business Management |LIME TECHNOLOGY IKE
Dafni Patelou
Der Sprecher (hier mit Maske) unternahm den waghalsigen Versuch, und im Rahmen seiner Präsentaion mitzunehmen in die virtuellen Räumen. Hier ein Screenshot....
... bevor es dazu kam, was kommen musste: die Übermenge an eingespielten Daten führte zu einem Abbruch der Verbindung:

4.00 - 4.30 pm
Challenges & Solutions in the Medical & Health Tourism Sector in Post Pandemic Times
The Medical & Health Tourism industry becomes more and more important, especially in these pandemic times. Learn about new corona recovery concepts in medical spas and climate health resorts.
On the other hand, which are the current challenges for Medical Tourism buyers & suppliers? Does the fact that the European Historic Towns Association was newly recognized as UNESCO world heritage boost an upswing?Following the panel discussion, the prestigious ITB Medical Tourism Award 2022 will be handed out for the 3rd time to an outstanding industry member.
Rika Jean-Francois
Commissioner of Corporate Social Responsibility | ITB Berlin
Thomas Bömkes
Medical Tourism Advisor ITB Berlin | Diversity Tourism GmbH, MunichSpeaker:
Prof. Alessandra Priante
Director - Regional Department for Europe | World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Dr. Liudmila Andreeva
Head of International Relations | HTI Partner Ltd.
Csilla Mezősi
Secretary General | European Spas Association (ESPA)
Simone Zagrodnik
Executive Director | European Historic Thermal Towns Association (EHTTA)
Endlich, nach allerlei Fehlschlägen, Abbrüchen und der Inanspruchname der Hotline [1], gelang es schliesslich doch, an zumindest dieser Veranstaltung ohne Unterbrechungen teilnehmen zu können, einem all-women’s-panel....
... sowie der Preisverleihung, die samt Berliner Bären der Slowakei zugesprochen wurde.
Da die an diesem Tag vorangegagenen Veranstaltungen noch nicht als Aufzeichnungen zur Verfügung gestanden haben, wird der Mitschnitt dieser Veranstaltung zumindest als Audio-File an dieser Stelle mit eingebunden: