MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit4

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 21. April 2022 um 15h14minzum Post-Scriptum


This next chapter starts with some comments, hints, and notices about security issues.

In the framework of the last session, we were told that the use of the Chrome-Browser is mandatory in the framework of the digital - environment.

Let’s start with Blackboard:

Have you ever read the Blackboard Privacy Statements. or did you just click on the "OK"-Button on the screen to the Backboard Terms of Use?

Be aware: your doing is part of the answer to this question, your user habits are part of the answer concerning the to-do’s and don’t does in Media Economics and Politics.

This screenshot proves: You have a concrete and direct influence on this topic, even, if you are not a California based student:

Did you start with Google Chrome?

Do have a look at his article of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, published by Naomi Gilens, Jennifer Lynch, and Veridiana Alimonti on April 5, 2022
Google Fights Dragnet Warrant for Users’ Search Histories Overseas While Continuing to Give Data to Police in the U.S.

Google is fighting back against a Brazilian court order to turn over data on all users who searched for specific terms, including the name of a well-known elected official and a busy downtown thoroughfare.

 Do read the article and post a comment on the course-platform

Your statements have to be downloaded into the "Your Contributions"-Folder or forwarded by mail in time. They will be presented by each of you during this course-session and discussed online.

There will be no judgment if you favour using the Chrome-Browser or another type, compatible in the Blackboard-App, like the Ungoogled Chtomium [1].

But, again, before we open the lecture on a more scientific level, it is important to make you aware of your role in this environment of media-economics and media-politics.

This is why this second task has to be fulfilled and presented today, as discussed and decided since Unit 1, Choosing and presenting your personal chioise of those media technologies and their content which has impressed you the most:


Two or these examples are already documented in the "(ME&MP) Your Contributions" - File in your course-room.

To underline your findings and arguments you’ll find three publications in the "ME@MP (MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics) Literature" folder: Do not neglect them!


Here you can listen to the final summary of today’s course:


[1Compatible with MAC and Window 10, 32 & 64 bit and ready for download in the Version 100.0 since April 11th 2022 in the "ME&MP Software"-Folder in your course-room.

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