Microsoft Build (III) The Aftermath

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 26. Mai 2022 um 17h11minzum Post-Scriptum


Hi, [...] thanks a lot for the great chat.

Diese Rückanwort ist der einzige Hinweis auf den Inhalt eines Gesprächs mit zwei Microsoft-Mitarbeitern, das in der Nacht in der Zeit von 0:00 Uhr bis 0:45 Uhr geführt wurde. Gebucht war dieser Termin schon zuvor im Rahmen des Angebots von so genannten "One to One Consultations" [1] zum Thema:
Microsoft 365: UI Toolkit for Microsoft Teams Apps [2].

Dass es möglich war, diesen Dialog gemäss den Microsoft-Richtlinen "Unter Dreien" zu führen, hatte aber auch seine gute Seiten: Denn letztendlich wurde weniger über die nuts’n bolds-solutions für die neuen Apps diskutiert, sondern über die Frage, wofür und für wen das letztendlich alles gut sei.

Was aber nicht unter die Verschwiegensheistpflicht fällt sind jene Hinweise, die im Nachgang dem Gesprächpartner noch in der Nacht als Anregung zugeschickt wurden.

Hello again,

it’s late at night and I should be careful writing to you again, because the English language is not my mother tongue.
Although, when I was working in the US, some persons in my dreams started to speak in English.

I spoke about publications: here are the most recent books I contributed to … about dreams and about Media Economics:

In eigener Sache: Buchmesse Frankfurt/Main

In diesem Jahr wieder ---> mit eigenen Publikationen

All these links refer to an online publication I started as early as 2004 – writing an article each day since.
Including some notes on BUILD Conferences:
2015 (where my t-shirt came from):
2022 (still in the making): |

About the trust issue in conjunction with MS you’ll find more than 100 articles – but they are in German.
If some of U really want to know more in detail, do let me know and I’ll prepare a selection.
Here is one about Brads recent visit to Berlin:
including my notes about the “A Cloud for Global Good" – initiative in 2016 that failed in the meantime.

Sky, Skype or Heaven: "A Cloud for Global Good"

Nadella & Smith, Hoettges & Rohleder, Prasse & Nöll ... zu Gast bei Microsoft in Berlin

Here you’ll find the link referring to the first AWE conference in Europe
including my Berlin keynote on VR :

Here is a short recent note about the theatre-performance at the Berliner Ensemble.
It is all in German, but U may use one of the translation-tools, if interested.

Die Berlau, Brecht ... und wir

Eine Veranstaltungsankündigung und Besprechung

Die Berlau, Brecht ... und wir
von Dr. Wolf Siegert


That’s my thesis: Programming now is becoming so complex and challenging that you need artists and philosophers like us to break barriers and borders.

Take care!


Take a look: that’s how we started


Nach den Berichten über die Online-Teilnahme an den ersten beiden Tagen Microsoft Build (I) und Microsoft Build (II), am Nachmittag des zweiten Tages den Veranstaltungsort nochmals persönlich aufgesucht.

Was bleibt? Dieser Blumenstrauss als Teil jener vielen Blumengebinde, die zur Saaldeko gehörten und am Ende vom Personal auf der Buffetleiste zusamnnengestellt wurden:



Hello Microsoft Build Attendee,
Thank you for scheduling a One-to-One Consultation session! Please read the following for more information about your upcoming session.
The consultation will be in English and will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Please make sure that you have downloaded Microsoft Teams, and tested the application before joining the session.
This session is private between the registered Microsoft Build attendee and the Microsoft expert. As such, it cannot be recorded, shared, or made public.
Your 45-minute consultation will focus on the service you have selected while scheduling this meeting.
Microsoft engineers cannot perform live troubleshooting, work on your source code, or provide real-time fixes for issues you might have. The goal of the sessions will be to provide proactive guidance.
We hope you have a wonderful digital Microsoft Build experience. We look forward to collaborating with you.
Thank you,
One-to-One Consultation Team
In the unlikely event that your session is cancelled, we apologize for any inconvenience. For additional support, please contact the Microsoft Build team for assistance.


Hi DocWolf Siegert,
You have an upcoming booking.
Thursday, May 26, 2022
12:00 AM - 12:45 AM
(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Additional Information
Please do not respond to this email, this is an unmonitored mailbox. Your Microsoft Build One-to-One Consultation session is scheduled tomorrow! We look forward to speaking to you then. If you are unable to make it for any reason, please make sure to access the link in your confirmation email to either cancel or reschedule your session. Please note that due to high demand, a spot while re-scheduling is not guaranteed. In the unlikely event that your session is cancelled, we apologize for any inconvenience. For additional support, please contact the Microsoft Build team for assistance.

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