The agenda for AWE USA 2022 has finally been revealed and this year’s event delivers even MORE captivating talks from some of the leading names and visionaries from across the #XR industry! #AWE
— AWE (@ARealityEvent) April 12, 2022
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18:00 Ori Inbar, Co-Founder AWE and Super Ventures
Ori Inbar, CEO and cofounder of AWE, will welcome attendees to the 13th annual AWE USA 2022 event with a fresh premise: XR makes dreams come true!
He will kick off with how XR helped achieve his own personal dreams and proceed with covering how XR has been helping businesses deliver on their goals, people realize lifelong ambitions, and most crucially - fight the biggest threats facing humanity in the next decade.Since 2010, AWE has been showcasing how XR make dreams come true and this week will continue with that tradition and help aspiring XR professionals fulfill more of their dreams while making a positive impact around the world with AR, VR and the Metaverse....
18:35-19:00 John Riccitiello, CEO at Unity Technologies
Getting Beyond the Fiction and Seeing the Reality in the Metaverse
"The metaverse." How did a term go from the pages of sci-fi literature to being the tech industry’s next multibillion dollar bet? And how did our industry end up speaking about something with such conviction with no agreed-upon definition? Join John Riccitello, CEO of Unity, as he breaks down the tech industry’s word du jour, what the metaverse is and isn’t and how brands can get beyond the buzzwords.
19:05-19:30 Hugo Swart, VP & GM, XR at Qualcomm
Your Ticket to the Metaverse: Spatial Computing Experiences with Snapdragon Spaces and What?s Next in XR
No longer just an idea, a multitude of players, brands and OEMs are bringing the Metaverse to life. Join Hugo Swart, VP and GM of XR at Qualcomm Technologies Inc., as he talks about the constellation of devices and exciting developer tools like Snapdragon Spaces that will drive truly immersive spatial computing experiences. As the leader of the XR team at Qualcomm, Hugo has a front row seat into the platforms, technologies and solutions under development that are your ticket to the Metaverse.
19:35-20:00 Elizabeth Hyman, President and CEO at XR Association
The Tech Heard ’Round the World - Embracing the Future of XR
Every day, engineers, architects, and creatives are building new XR experiences and devices. Together, we are building the future of XR, and our future looks bright. But as with any emerging technology there are challenges to be addressed. How do we ensure that every actor in this space embraces their obligation to create safe, respectful, and inclusive immersive spaces? How do we convey to the public, policymakers, and other stakeholders the tremendous promise of XR. And how do we express our commitment to addressing important challenges now and not sometime down the road? In order to move toward the widespread adoption of XR, it is critical that we tell the story of XR and the industry behind it. Whether providing examples of XR workforce training or demonstrating how XR is helping patients maximize their therapy and recovery, seeing is believing. We also must adopt and promote the best practices and standards-setting work that is already taking place across the industry, and build on those efforts. To have impact, we need the industry to tell the stories of XR. We need you all to strive toward standards of excellence. All of us must unite to chart the path to responsible development. Join the XR Association?s CEO Elizabeth Hyman to discuss the road ahead for the future of XR technology
20:20-20:45 Scott Rawlings, XR Commercial Solutions Senior Product Manager at HP
Scale VR Securely
Join HP Extended Reality experts as they discuss the current state and challenges facing VR business deployments. You?ll come away with an exciting new timely software solution ExtendXR that addresses the urgent market need for end-to-end mid to large organization XR deployment and management.
20:50-21:15 Susanne Haspinger, COO at Holo-Light
Evan Helda, SR. Specialist Spatial Computing at Amazon Web Services
Business - Ready Industrial Metaverse – Scaling AR/VR for Enterprises
No other topic took us by storm quite like the metaverse. Its ability to provide seamless, immersive digital experiences due to its always-on connectivity also offers substantial potential for industrial use. So how can we transfer this concept to the enterprise market? And how will AR/VR experiences become more scalable? Get insights in the enterprise perspective from Peter Verrillo (Enhatch) and Kurt Scheuringer (Lockheed Martin). Join Susanne Haspinger (Holo-Light) and Evan Helda (AWS) as they introduce a new cloud platform to create the Industrial Metaverse – enabling industrial AR/VR use cases that were not scalable or even possible before.
21:20-21:45 Sophia Dominguez, Head of AR Platform Partnerships at Snap, Inc.
Joe Darko, Head of AR Developer Relations at Snap, Inc.
Dream It, Build It with Snap AR
While dog ears and rainbows might first come to mind when you think of Snapchat, Snap’s camera has become far more powerful – evolving from a way to communicate visually into a robust augmented reality platform. With great advancements in AR technology and its proven value, there’s great demand for AR experiences to help people express themselves, play, shop, make art, learn about the world – and there’s so much more to explore.
In this session, learn how tools like Lens Studio, Camera Kit and Spectacles empower over 250,000 developers and creators alike to build businesses and redefine what’s possible with Snap AR today.
23:15-23:45 Marco Tempest, Creative Technologist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Metaverse in My Carry-on Bag
Marco Tempest specializes in developing immersive experiences of future technologies. Taking ideas about advanced technology, how we might interact with it, and finding innovative ways to bring those concepts alive. In his keynote presentation for AWE USA 2022 he will debut ultraportable real-time virtual production techniques, storytelling, gestural sensing and swarm robotics to give us a glimpse of a delightful augmented future right now.
23:50-00:15 Joanna Popper. Global Head of Virtual Reality at HP
Bjorn Book-Larsson. VP of Product at Roblox Corp
The Keys to Creation on Roblox, in VR and the Metaverse
With promises of the metaverse making headlines around the world and consumer spending on video gaming in the U.S. totaling over $60.4 billion in 2021, defining where you fit in this rapidly evolving landscape is more important now than ever before. In this session, join Joanna Popper, Global Head of VR, Go-to-Market at HP and Roblox VP of Product Bjorn Book-Larsson for a fireside chat exploring the keys to human co-experience in digital worlds in an effort to empower aspiring developers and brands as they seek to define their entry path, zeroing in on the importance of identity and a shared fabric.
00:35-01:00 Kanav Singla, Founder & CEO at Metadome
How Will Change the Automotive and Retail Landscape Globally
Shopping in the virtual world is still in its early days. Virtual showrooms and Virtual product experiences on the other hand have gradually evolved to a level where consumers can get a realistic shopping experience, even on the Web. is building a unique Metaverse experience where Auto and Retail brands can host their products and create immersive shopping journeys for their customers. Our experiences empower users to create virtual avatars and have the maximum degree of freedom to interact, configure and play with the virtual world via virtual test drive and other gamification modules. A seamless user journey, with highly optimised load times and programmatic compression, helps us to load 3D content as fast as 2D content, across all platforms and devices. Come experience with us, as we bring the real world aspects into the Metaverse, overcoming the slips of a disconnected digital journey, and transforming the marketing and sales funnel by pushing the boundaries to make the virtual world more reliable, relatable, and realistic.
01:05-01:30 Caitlin Krause, Founder at MindWise

Nanea Reeves, CEO & Co-Founder at Tripp
Mindful Metaverse
Caitlin Krause and Nanea Reeves discuss how the Metaverse presents an opportunity to expand the human experience through solutions that support personal growth, healthy online communities and corporate wellness.
They will reveal recent key signals that point to the future of the industry, and identify the current state of play when it comes to next-gen wellness that is intentional and impactful.
01:35-02:00 Jonathan Waldern, CTO at META®
Automated Lens Casting Embedding Multi-functional Metasurfaces for AR Displays
META?s ARfusion™ platform combines precision cast lens fabrication tools with functional metasurfaces. Recognizing the growing need for user prescriptions in AR eyewear, we have created a platform that allows developers to integrate waveguides and associated smart technologies into thin lightweight prescription glasses. As will be discussed, ARfusionTM allows many smart technologies including waveguides, microdisplays, holographic components, liquid crystal and electrochromic foils, antifogging films, eyeglow suppression films and antennas to be seamlessly integrated within glasses. The ARfusion™ fabrication process requires few steps, and is scalable, versatile and cost-effective.
02:05-02:30 Christopher Lafayette, Founder at GatherVerse
Muhsinah Morris, Metaversity Director at Morehouse College
Humanity First Approach to Building the Metaverse
As the Metaverse continues to grow, it’s essential that we discuss the development of a humanity-first approach in regards to standards of education, accessibility, safety, privacy, wellness, equality and community development. Join Dr. Muhsinah Morris for a Fireside Chat with Christopher Lafayette as he shares ideas gleaned from the GatherVerse community as well as the greater tech community with a focus on global communities for the Metaverse.
Alle von diesem Zeitpunkt noch nachfolgenden Beiträge und Aufzeichnungen sind in Folge eines technischen Fehlers nicht mehr vorhanden. Und werden jetzt, morgens um 3 Uhr, auch nicht mehr wiederhergestellt.
Stattessen zu guter Letzt dieser Titel für den nächsten eigenen Beitrag:
Real Dreams Presenting Virtual Realities
Nachfolgend einiige weitere Empfehlungen des Veranstalters:
[...] We are so excited to welcome you to the 13th annual AWE! Things are about to kick off for this year’s event shortly, so here’s a quick reminder of some of today’s highlights [...]:
• 11:00 AM - Holographic Collaboration for Building a Better World Jay Wright, Campfire
• 11:00 AM - The Next Generation of XR Storytelling with TikTok, Guohui Wang & Kathy Wang
• 11:00 AM - The Value of User Research in XR, Magic Leap, Meta Reality Labs, Microsoft, Meta
• 12:20 PM - Dream It, Build It with Snap AR Joe Darko and Sophia Dominguez, Snap, Inc.
• 12:45 PM - Snap Lens Networking event: Dream It. Build It Lounge
• 02:15 PM - Marco Tempest – The Metaverse in My Carry-on Bag Marco Tempest, NASA Jet Propulsion Labratory
• 05:05 PM - Humanity First Approach to Building the Metaverse Muhsinah Morris, Morehouse College & Christopher Lafayette, GatherVerse