MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit X

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 14. Juli 2022 um 17h18minzum Post-Scriptum


First Mailshot 05-07-2022 00:08 :

Dear All,

as promised, there will be a final complimentary unit for all those, who will be in Berlin on

July 13th, starting 10 am in room 102

followed at about 1 pm by an invitation to lunch in the neighbourhood.

Please do notify this appointment proposal in your WhatsApp - channel.

More details: on Thursday, July 7.


Second Mailshot on 08/07/2202 02:02 :

Recall: Invite to join a complimentary final unit on July 13th. 2022

Dear All,

Although working hard with my media-pals in the US late at night, I should not forget to keep my promise to send you an update.

But it turns out that only one person out of 23 has been reading the recent mails.

Please do copy and paste this invite in your WhatsApp-group and do let me know who will be present on

July 13th from 10 am at the Macromedia premises, room 102, and join us for lunch at about 1 pm.

I will return to Berlin on July 12th in the morning.


Doc Wolf

For all those, who could not join us today, regards from the neighbourhood lunch, as promised:


For those, who are interested in alternative media meeting opportunities, you may follow the AWE-Live-Insights like this one today at 20:00 hrs CET about: 3D Virtual Environments: Magical Metaverse Meeting Places with Michael Potts (Dallas), Terry Proto (Los Angeles) and Sophia Moshasha (Sweden?):

Great experiences in the Metaverse start with fabulous environments. Elegant conference rooms, fantastical worlds and breathtaking vistas facilitate the business meeting, networking event or virtual concert.

At our next event Michael Potts, CEO of M2 Studio, will share behind-the-scenes stories about how M2 creates the immersive environments used by the most successful platforms in the Metaverse. Of course, the event will be held in one of M2’s spectacular virtual places!

This isn’t another Zoom meeting. Virtual Reality Marketing and Reality Innovators Network welcome you to a Metaverse Networking event in AltspaceVR and AWE.Live

Come and join us in the Metaverse: network with industry professionals, listen to our speakers and meet them in person - or simply just hang out and have a great time!
We’re bringing together XR professionals, entrepreneurs and tech creatives in an immersive experience.

Everyone’s invited, you can join AltspaceVR from your PC or Mac or get an even better experience with a VR headset! The event is also livestreamed on AWE.Live

Here is the sound file of this virtual encounter: