Es ist nicht häufig, dass wir aus einem der vielen Newsletter Nachrichten en detail übernehmen. Hier ist eine Ausnahme von der Regel. Es geht um die FIPP World Mail vom 18. August 2022, 16:35, in der es heisst:
High Court of Australia rules that Google is not a publisher von Jamie Gavin
Es geht um einen Fall, der seit 2004 (sic!) anhängig ist und jetzt entschieden wurde:
We begin with the news that Australia’s High Court has ruled that Google is not a publisher. Delivered Wednesday, the judgement - which legal experts say could hold significant ramifications for the general public - means that the company is not responsible for defamatory news articles.
“In reality, a hyperlink is merely a tool which enables a person to navigate to another webpage,” a joint statement by Chief Justice Susan Kiefel and Justice Jacqueline Gleeson said.
Also interesting is that a significant part of the ruling centred around commercial matters: ‘…that Google tailors its search engine system in that way is unsurprising. It is Google’s business model – it “has a commercial interest in providing a quality service with responsive search results” (154)’ said the court.