Media Meet&Greet @ IBC Deal Room

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 1. September 2022 um 00h52min


Selbst wenn bei der Bahn in den Niederlanden noch gestreikt werden sollte, gibt es die IBC in Amsterdam auch virtuell zu erreichen. Und das auch schon vor den Messetagen in der Zeit vom 9 –12 September 2022.

So wie sich die US-Amerikaner mit ShowStoppers - siehe ShowStoppers & PKs @ IFA 2022 - und vielen anderen Formaten auf der IFA eingekauft haben - bzw. haben einkaufen lassen - gibt es auch vergleichbare Formate auf der IBC in Amsterdam.

Hier als pars pro toto diese Einladung von Chris Pfaff Tech/Media LLC:

I will be moderating next Thursday’s (September 1st) IBC 2022 edition of Media Meet & Greet, conducted virtually on the Deal Room platform.

The conversation starts at 9:00 am ET/3:00 pm CET and runs until 11:00 am ET/5:00 pm CET. This live networking event takes place over six hours from 8:00 am-2:00 pm ET/2:00pm-8:00 pm CET, so feel free to join the platform and connect with your peers.

Join me along with Allan McLennan, CEO of PADEM Group; Ben Schwartz, principal at CToiC Consulting, and Ken Carroll, CEO of BumpConductor, for a LIVE conversation and networking around topics of interest for the IBC community. This is an open (free!) networking session that will also feature surprise guests dropping in.

Connect on Deal Room at:

IBC 2022 will be the first in-person IBC in three years, and the ’Get Ready for IBC’ event will be an opportunity for people to meet and also set up meetings with people during the event and throughout the rest of the year, both virtually and in-person. You can find out who is going to IBC in Amsterdam and learn more about what people are doing at the show and in the industry in general.

See you - virtually - next Thursday!

Thank you,



Created by Broadcast Projects and executive produced by Janet Greco, Media Meet & Greet Connect 365 is the hybrid event platform that brings together the global media and entertainment community to Connect, Communicate and Collaborate all year long. Media Meet & Greet Connect 365 streamlines attendee discovery ahead of major trade shows and conventions with metadata-driven discovery features, plus AI-driven relevance matching for meetings. The platform supports both live virtual and physical events, including webinars, panels, roundtable discussions, networking sessions and company showcases. Connect all year round, with unique attendee discovery features for on-site physical events. Learn more at

Chris Pfaff
CEO, Chris Pfaff Tech/Media LLC
Business Development, Strategic Marketing & Public Relations
Member, Producers Guild of America New Media Council East
9 Valley Place
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
973-509-6565 (office)
973-860-0734 (efax)
201-218-0262 (mobile)
cpfaffnj (Skype)
pfaffchris (Twitter)


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