impAct @ hpi - School of Design Thinking (II)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 18. Januar 2023 um 14h06min


Nachdem es am Vortag mit der Online-Teilnahme nicht geklappt hat, wurde der Bericht mit der Entscheidung / Ankündigung abgeschlossen:

Warten wir auf ein späteres Play-out und fahren wir am Folgetag direkt an den Ort des Geschehens: "Be creative, go back to the permises, be analogue" :-) WS.

In der Nachfolge das ausgewählte Programm-Angebot, das auch online abgerufen werden kann.

Die Anwesenheit vor Ort hat es ermöglicht, diese zwei nachfolgend dokumentierten Gepräche zu führen, mit Dank an:

Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel


Business Innovation With Design Thinking, moderiet von Sara Grau i Bladé

Dr. Claudia Nicolai [1]

Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann [2]

Maira Trauzettel [3]

Gerhard Ursprung

Heiko Witte [4]


HPDTRP: 14 Years of Design Thinking Research moderiert von Sara Grau i Bladé

Prof. Dr. Jan Auernhammer [5]

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

Prof. Dr. Allan Reiss

Prof. Bernard Roth

Prof. Sheri Sheppard

Dr. Julia von Thienen [6]


Mindful Facilitation in Design Thinking

Rudi Ballreich [7]

Yi-Cong Lu [8]


Design Thinking - The Future
, moderiert von Sara Grau i Bladé

George Kembel

Dr. Claudia Nicolai [9]

Richard Perez [10]

Prof. Uli Weinberg [11]

Dr. Maria Yang [12]


[1Dr. Claudia Nicolai is the academic director of the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam/Germany. She studied Business Administration, Economics, and Social Sciences and got her Ph.D. in Strategic Management at the University of Potsdam. She joined as a Senior Researcher the Chair of Strategic Marketing of the University of Witten/Herdecke where she taught and researched strategic foresight, consumer trends, strategic innovation, and business design. Since then consumer-centered innovation processes and strategic change became her main focus as a consultant and as Visiting Professor for Strategic Communication at the University of Arts Berlin and at the Elisava - School of Design and Engineering in Barcelona/Spain.

Since 2010 Claudia designs the educational programs and research activities at the HPI D-School. She is in charge of the academic program in Design Thinking (including the development and design of curricula, teaching content for students and the coaching-program). She is also responsible for co-operations with project partners and academic institutions. She has co-developed the d-school in Malaysia (genovasi) and the HPI d-school at the University of Cape Town, as well as the biothinking program at the Charité. Together with her team, she is researching design & innovation management, new working environments & leadership, as well as team dynamics.

[2Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann started her career with a classical banking apprenticeship at Volksbank Mittweida. Then she completed an economics degree and directly took over the management of the human resources department. Another stage was managing director of the subsidiary “Mittweida innovativ GmbH” with focus on innovation management and cultural development in the financial sector. Back in Volksbank Mittweida Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann expanded her expertise in strategy development. Since 2019 she has been concentrating on managing the involvement of Volksbank Mittweida in the founding project “Blockchain showcase region Mittweida”. In addition, Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann is a volunteer member of the board of the cooperative “Digitale Sicherheit für den Mittelstand eG”.

[3Starting my career in a healthcare agency in 2007. I joined Roche in 2013 and had the chance to work in different roles e.g. Patient Partnership & Marketing. For two years now I am the Integrated Strategy Lead for the NeuroImmunology portfolio having the full responsibility along the value chain for two drugs and a digital health solution. In 2019/20 I was part of the HPI certification program and since then design thinking is part of my personal tool box as a leader of cross functional teams.

[4I stand for… Extensive professional experience and leadership in Aerospace Engineering, Project Management, Business Transformation and Industry 4.0 implementation. Proven industry leader, having worked in different positions within Aerospace Engineering, predominantly as Project Manager V2500Select and Head of Engineering Improvement & Quality. Experienced in Continuous improvement, Innovation, Research and Technology and Transformation.

[5Jan Auernhammer, PhD is Associate Professor in Transdisciplinary Innovation (TD School) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), where he established the People Dynamics Lab. His work investigates human potentialities, including the brain and body, group, and organizational dynamics, with a particular focus on Comprehensive Design. Before joining UTS, Jan was a Research Engineer at the Center for Design Research and the founding Executive Director of the Neurodesign program at Stanford University. He worked at the SUTD-MIT International Design Center, National University of Singapore, Edinburgh Napier University, and Mercedes-Benz.

[6Julia von Thienen studied psychology (major) with an emphasis on neuroscience, research methodology, philosophy and computer science (minor) at the Free University of Berlin. Her PhD on causation also bridged these fields. Julia has taught research methodology and philosophy of science for social science students and neuroscientists at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Chicago and the University of Potsdam.

In 2008 Julia joined the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), specifically the Stanford-Potsdam Design Thinking Research Program. Julia`s studies are concerned with design thinking as an approach to creativity, collaboration and innovation. Her studies draw together observations and theories from micro-levels (the individual’s physiology) to macro-perspectives (policies and populations across continents).

In 2018, Stanford and Potsdam inaugurated a new line of research under the headline of Neurodesign. Since then, Julia builds up the work group of neurodesign at the HPI, which adds intensified studies into the biological underpinnings of creativity, collaboration and innovation in design thinking research and education.

[7I have been working as an organisational developer, management trainer and organisational mediator since 1994. When supporting change processes in organisations, I am particularly interested in the systemic processes between the corporate culture, the social conditions, the concrete work processes, the financial resources and all this in the field of tension between the organisation and its environment. As a new leadership approach and training, I have been developing MINDFUL LEADERSHIP.

[8I am a consultant for innovation culture, agile transformation, and corporate learning and support organizations in developing people- and environment-friendly products and services. I accompany organizations in innovating corporate cultures and passionately coach teams to master psychologically challenging innovation and transformation processes and to develop key competencies such as self-organization, mindfulness in (self-)leadership, and creative confidence.

[9Dr. Claudia Nicolai is the academic director of the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam/Germany. She studied Business Administration, Economics, and Social Sciences and got her Ph.D. in Strategic Management at the University of Potsdam. She joined as a Senior Researcher the Chair of Strategic Marketing of the University of Witten/Herdecke where she taught and researched strategic foresight, consumer trends, strategic innovation, and business design. Since then consumer-centered innovation processes and strategic change became her main focus as a consultant and as Visiting Professor for Strategic Communication at the University of Arts Berlin and at the Elisava - School of Design and Engineering in Barcelona/Spain.

Since 2010 Claudia designs the educational programs and research activities at the HPI D-School. She is in charge of the academic program in Design Thinking (including the development and design of curricula, teaching content for students and the coaching-program). She is also responsible for co-operations with project partners and academic institutions. She has co-developed the d-school in Malaysia (genovasi) and the HPI d-school at the University of Cape Town, as well as the biothinking program at the Charité. Together with her team, she is researching design & innovation management, new working environments & leadership, as well as team dynamics.

[10Richard is the founding director of the Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking (d-school) at the University of Cape Town. Funded by Hasso Plattner the is a unique offering in South Africa that leverages the network of both Potsdam, Germany and Stanford, United States. It is the only African School of Design Thinking that is officially affiliated with Stanford and Potsdam, drawing on the unique expertise, research and networks of these two institutions. Previous to this Richard spent 3 years at the City of Cape Town as the Director for World Design Capital 2014, where he had the unique experience of working to embed a culture of design-led innovation in a government administration. Before that he spent 10 years as a partner and director in an award-winning Cape Town-based New Product Design agency. He is also an external examiner for UCT’s Engineering Design course and spent a number of years lecturing UCT Architecture students on the Theory of Structures. Richard’s education includes a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Cape Town, a Masters in Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College of Science and Technology (London) and an Executive MBA (awarded with Distinction) from the UCT Graduate School of Business.

[11In 2007, shortly before the start of a sabbatical in China, Uli Weinberg was asked to establish and direct the D-School in May 2007. The research semester in Bejing was cancelled and the cornerstone laid for the new challenge. After 25 years of innovation work in the field of film and 3-D, of this 13 years as professor at the University of Film in Babelsberg, Uli Weinberg didn’t hesitate for a minute to accept the challenge of the new task – to visualize innovation in an even greater way than before now. After a year of D-School experience he was completely convinced of the success of group-based innovation and of realizing this vision at the “safe haven” of the D-School, under whose leadership the sailing aficionado has proven himself.

[12Maria’s research and teaching are in product design and development, with a focus on early stage processes to help designers create products and systems that better serve society. She is the Academic Faculty Director for MIT D-Lab, which addresses global poverty through participatory design, and is the Associate Director of the newly launched Morningside Foundation Academy of Design at MIT. She is a Fellow of the ASME, and has received the NSF CAREER Award and ASEE Merryfield Design Award.

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