In den yahoo!news wird das Ganze so dargestellt:
Former Chinese president Hu Jintao was unexpectedly led out of Saturday’s closing ceremony of the Communist Party Congress in a dramatic moment that disrupted the highly choreographed event.
Hu’s departure was left unexplained, and the nation’s censors appeared to quickly scrub any recent references to him from the internet.
The frail-looking 79-year-old seemed reluctant to leave the front row of proceedings at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, where he was sitting next to President Xi Jinping.
A steward attempted to take a sitting Hu by the arm before being shaken off. The steward then attempted to lift Hu up with both hands from under the armpits.
After an exchange of about a minute, in which Hu spoke briefly with Xi and Premier Li Keqiang, he was led out of the hall.
A seated Xi was filmed holding papers down on the desk as Hu tried to grab them.
Hu patted Li’s shoulder as he left, as most of his colleagues stared firmly ahead.
The week-long Congress occurred mostly behind closed doors, but Hu’s departure occurred shortly after journalists were allowed in to cover the closing ceremony.
Im SPIEGEL ist dazu online zu lesen:
Der gebrechlich wirkende Hu Jintao gilt nicht unbedingt als Unterstützer des heutigen Parteichefs. Er zählt zum Lager der kommunistischen Jugendliga in der Partei, das von Xi Jinping geschwächt worden war.
Der frühere Präsident hatte das Amt des Generalsekretärs nach zwei Amtszeiten 2012 an Xi Jinping übergeben. Hu Jintao steht für das alte »kollektive« Führungsmodell mit Vertretern verschiedener Fraktionen und mit Alters- und Amtszeitbegrenzungen, über das sich der 69 Jahre alte Xi Jinping mit seiner dritten Amtszeit hinwegsetzen will.