Leibnizstr. 11 -> 57

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Dezember 2022 um 18h27min


The address of the bbw-Hochschule in 10629 Berlin is Leibnizstrass 11 - 13.

The address for the Art Shelter for Ukraine artists in 10629 Berlin is Leibnizstrasse 57.


[ «The Captured House»
Alte Münze, May 07 - 15th., 2022 ]

Charlottenburg refuge for artists from the Ukraine
Time news, June 14, 2022

[ ›Ukrainian Voices of Art‹—Benefit Exhibition of Ukrainian artists
for and by Be An Angel e.V. September 16th, 2022 ]

Solidarity and support for refugee artists and cultural workers from the war zones of Ukraine
bbk berlin, October 26th, 2022

Ukrainian Artists make Ku’Damm great again.
Aussergewoehnlich-Berlin, publishes the names of the artists:

Antony Reznik

Viki Berg

Vlada Bilovodenko

Maria Lutsak

Julia Samson

Alina Coma

Sofia Golubeva

Anastasia Pasechnik

Julia Levitska


Maria Kebu

Sofiia Yesakova

