No ’f(r)ame’, on ’blame’... discussing the early adopters’ efforts for applications-survival: in vain :-(
Hier als Demo die Korrespondenz mit einem US-amerikanischen Lehrmittelhersteller, den wir auf einer CES-Show Mitte der 10er-Jahre kennengelernt und dessen Anwendungen wir als eine(r) der Ersten hier in Europa zum Einsatz gebracht haben. Genauer gesagt: "hatten". Mit Bildschirmen, die einst pro Stück über fünftausend Euro gekostet haben [1], später dann dreitausend und heute immer noch im Handel als Gebrauchtgeräte im besten Fall für achthundert Euro verkauft werden (siehe P.S.). Mit eigenen SDK’s wurden weitere Anwendungen geplant, die sich vor allem in der Zeit der Live-Kontakt-Sperre hätten bewähren können. Aber nach dem hier jetzt abgebildeten Dialog bleibt wohl davon nicht(s) mehr übrig als das Sprichwort: "... hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette." [2]. WS.
As demonstrated on our screenshot we’ve manage up to the year 2000 to implement some applications as a showcase in an up-to-date Windows 10 pro 64 bit environment.
We are still equipped with eye wear and stylus components.
So, PLEASE, do redeliver these links to reinstall this valid version for demo-purposes only.
We’ve recreated an account.
[sign.] Dr. Wolf Siegert
The university-mail is:
Von: zSpace Customer Support
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2023 17:52
An: Dr. Wolf Siegert
Betreff: Re: zSpace Support Case# 00064207 : Software for VR display Z3D CN47190002 : ref:_00DC0Pkt0._5008a2BKCeI:ref
The partnership with HP was one where they resold our 200 model, so it looks exactly the same, just a different part number. In either case, the 200 model was end of life quite some time ago (2018) and we no longer test, make, sell or support that old model of zSpace equipment.
J[...] B[...]
zSpace Customer Support
Looking for product information or answers to common questions or issues? Please visit our support site at
Hello again : “to whom it may concern”!
Your monitor as well as the glasses… all is 100% zSpace branded.
Even the screen – see the smartphone-photo enclosed.
And as I told you, we were one of the first forerunners for these applications here in Europe.
We were one of the gate-openers, and now you even deny the entrance into your ecosystem.
It may be, as Europeans, we have a different view on brand-loyalty and trust building…
… another lesson, that had to be learned.
Best from Berlin!
3 ‘screenshots’ enclosed
Start-Screen-Image (2023-05-30)
zSpace branded screen-frame (2023-05-30)
Last firmware-update 2020-06-01
Dr.phil. Wolf Siegert 施 歌 德
Prager Platz 6 10779 Berlin Tel/Fax +49 30 4620066.0/.6
Von: zSpace Customer Support
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Mai 2023 18:53
An: Dr. Wolf Siegert
Betreff: Re: zSpace Support Case# 00064207 : Software for VR display Z3D CN47190002 : ref:_00DC0Pkt0._5008a2BKCeI:ref
Are you trying to login to our site to access the license portal? If so, you may need to create an account still as I do not see you as registered.
The device you referenced is an HP zVR and not supported by zSpace, but is actually an HP product. Our own 200 models display is end of life for quite some time, see the announcement here:
J.[...] B[...]
zSpace Customer Support
Looking for product information or answers to common questions or issues? Please visit our support site at
Original Message ---------------
From: Dr. Wolf Siegert []
Sent: 5/19/2023 3:57 PM
Subject: AW: zSpace Support Case# 00064207 : Software for VR display Z3D CN47190002 : ref:_00DC0Pkt0._5008a2BKCeI:ref
“Dear All…” and thanks, J[...], for the quick response.
We were one of the first zSpace-users in Germany after the presentation at the CES-Show in Vegas.
We bought the HP ZVR monitors and glasses and implemented even virtual conferences when Covid 19 came along.
All this in a stand-alone environment. Now we’ve tried to install the system at my university, but the software crashed.
Even the sign-in-process from our premises is no more allowed (screenshot attached).
Do we have to start again from scratch, can we still use the original hp-monitor, are we Windows XI pro compatible, …
Lots of questions, we the early adopters now are lost in the void…
… best from Berlin!
Wolf Siegert
Von: zSpace Customer Support
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Mai 2023 22:21
An: Dr. Wolf Siegert
Betreff: Re: zSpace Support Case# 00064207 : Software for VR display Z3D CN47190002 : ref:_00DC0Pkt0._5008a2BKCeI:ref
I am not clear on what the request is here. Please elaborate on your issue and what assistance you need so I can either help or direct you to the correct resource.
Issue: Sorry, we‘ve asked for a password-renew but did not receive the answer.
The office address is mentioned above, the University address is:
J[...] B[...]
zSpace Customer Support
Looking for product information or answers to common questions or issues? Please visit our support site at