Berlin Airlift - The Return...

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 3. November 2018 um 14h24minzum Post-Scriptum


Berlin Airlift - The Return of The Candy Bombers

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 7:00:00 PM CET - 8:00:00 PM CET

In 1948 the former capital of Germany was at the very edge of a beginning political confrontation between the east and the west better known as „The Cold War“.

When all accesses to the western part of Berlin where closed completely by the Sowjet army in summer 1948 only air transportation was able to support the city of Berlin and its more than 2 million citizens.

Until then knowbody had any idea how to set up such a huge operation. But thanks to personal initiative, courage, trust and an unconditional will of the western allies to help it turned out to become the most spectacular and largest relief operation in history, an organizational and logistical masterpiece and an impressive demonstration of humanitarian support and adherence.

In summer 2019, 70 years later, about 40 original machines (DC 3 + DC 4 + JU 52) from four continents will once again fly along the former routes all the way to Berlin.

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 Intro und Präsentation von Thomas Keller:

 Präsentation von Peter Braun und Fragerunde:

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Berlin Airlift June 15th. 2019 in Berlin