HM042 MCI Idea Development & "Dinking" (II)

BY Dr. Wolf SiegertDATE Friday Last update: 28 February 2020 at 01:55zum Post-Scriptum


Draft Schedule

On our first meeting on the first day we’ve made these first decisions.


 starting breakfast at 8:30 am and starting the course at 9:00 am
 short breaks and early end
 if you can’t be present, please do let us know in advance. Thanks!

 we have to decide whether to do a classical examination with written questions and answers or with presentations [1]
 if you do a presentation you’re entitled to have externals to help you out at this crucial moment (you should announce their names beforehand to the school)

Study Remarks:

 everybody may discuss in a first round his or her own favorite topic to be presented on the final day of the course
 if you do a presentation you may pick a topic of your personal interest
 you are allowed to invite other class-members to join in presenting this topic.


How difficult is it to really see what the video is presenting:

 by Aleksandra M.: the invisible gorilla

 by Daena K.: Test Your Awareness : Whodunnit?

Do pick a "Dinking-Video" for yourself out of one of these categories:

 By universities, scholars, thinkers, ...
 By business intermediates
 By companies
 By reporters, filmmakers, artists...

Design Thinking Conferences

Here is a non-exhaustive list of events etc. all over the world, starting back in 2018 and announcing upcoming proposals for 2020 [2]


The Design Sprint Conference 2018, San Francisco, US

Design Thinking Ghana Conference (DTGC) 2018

LUXATIA Design Thinking Summit 2018, Berlin [3]

Design Thinking Conference practitioner report 2018 Austin

Interaction Latin America 2019 Medellin, Colombia [4]

UX AustraliaUser Experience Design conference. 2018, Melbourne


Fortune Brainstorm Design Singapore 2019


Design Thinking & innovation Week, Future London Academy 2019


Service Design Summit, 2019, Barcelona

Design Thinking Camp, 2019, Moscow, Russia

Service Design Fringe Festival, 2019, London, UK

Design Thinking Forum, 2019, Bucharest, Romania

DESIGN THINKING for HR and L&D 2019, December 04-06, San Francisco, CA, US


DesignThinkrsAcademy Conferences, Trainings, BootCamps... 2020 Amsterdam et al.

Design Thinking in Action. Hong Kong 2020


Design Thinking for Business Innovation Summit 2020 February 06-07 Barcelona

Design Thinking: Impact & Value Summit 2020 February 25 - 28, Sydney NSW, Australia

Design Thinking Europe Forum 2020 April 22-23, London, United Kingdom

Ideation & Design Thinking
webinale – the holistic web conference 2020, 25. – 29. Mai, Berlin

POLISHOPA Design Thinking Conference 2020, June 01-04, Bydgoszcz. Poland

Service Design Days, 2020 April 2 to 5, Barcelona

OFF Design Conference, 2020 April 23-25 Barcelona

Design Thinking Beyond Design: Moving from Practice to Transformation 2020 April 14-17 Austin, TX

Design Thinking for Business Innovation 2020, May 13-20 Helsinki & Barcelona

RGD DesignThinkers 2020 May 26-27, Vancouver, BC

DESIGN THINKING FORUM Workshops and Conference, 2020 September 18-19 Bucharest


RGD DesignThinkers 2020 November 05-06 Toronto, BC


Working on this list took me several hours up to midnight - and even longer.
This and the whole day reflecting on design ideas about X-Mas had a stunning effect.
The next early morning I woke up remembering the final part on a dream.

We were a whole group of young people, man and women, who gathered on a first floor balcony type wooden house, getting up and looking for place to shower. So we all gathered looking for a free shower. Some of us did not find one right away, because we were more people than spots.
One of us, a younger women, was sitting aside and doing simple knitting work. She "embroided" white underwear trousers with her name in red: clean, simple, impressive work. "When I do a whole series of them and sell them as a set, I can bring the money home and buy some stuff of impotance for me" she said. The name replicated several times on each underwear was "WESTWOOD".

This is the story.
Looking back to its origins feeding these images, here are some references, the more recent one as links, which will follow:
"Classic Style" Underwear | Banksys & Uli | Auschwitz | StrandHotel Wellness | The "Siegert"-Name applications on the own underwear when I was a youngster before beeing sent to a kind of youth-camp |
And then, looking in the net, the craziest thing of all: I did not know about the real Vivienne Westwood Underwear Collection even if this is not at all alike to what she has shown to me in the shower-room-dream.
(c) WS. Berlin 2020-01-07


[1A first presentation - relating to studies in HM035 - is already in preparation
 by Beant Singh S. : "Pakistan-India relations a rocky course ahead"

[2Further events in the Design-Space are assembled by:

 Thomas Dahm on his URL:
20+ design conferences to attend in 2020

Design Thinking Events in 2020

 Laurel Oetken, LAYOUT:
The 25 best creative conferences to attend in 2020.

[4URL does not respond :-(

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