Following the first intro-session from April 4th 2020: HM047 MCI Idea Development & "Dinking" (0) and the first technical trial on April 17th 2020: Welcome to our first Design Thinking WebEx-Webinar via

These days are the best moments to test and challenge your fantasy and resilience:
How to make songs "out of nothing" - just the dripping of a water-tap: "Zwei am Morge":
Have a look at this second making-of-video. Don’t worry, we’ll have a look together, translate the wording and test the VideoConferenceFacilities at the same moment:
Here is a second example showing again first this music-video, one of the Grammy-Award 2017 proposals:
And look, how the design-thinking process helped to make the dream real:
OK GO - Gravity is just a habit - Documentary from Carlo Alberto Orecchia on Vimeo.
And now: it’s up to you
Tell us about one of your challenges, do share some of your experiences with us, as many others have done before: worldwide.
The first examples will the presented and discussed next Saturday: HM047 MCI Idea Development & "Dinking" (II)
and your topics can be elaborated up to the day of the exams: HM047 MCI Idea Development & "Dinking" (Exams).