ITB Congress (II)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 8. März 2023 um 14h49min


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Aber auch heute eröffnen wir die nachfolgende Übersicht mit einem redaktionellen Beitrag aus der Reihe "Agenda" des Deutschlandfunks live von der ITB mit Daniela Wiesler und Andreas Stopp: Nie wieder unbeschwert? Die Zukunft des Reisens

Wir Menschen lieben es zu reisen. Am besten oft, lang, weit weg und das zu einem möglichst günstigen Preis. Aber Coronapandemie, Klimaproblematik und finanzielle Einschränkungen haben die Gesellschaft verändert. Zudem ist der Frieden auf der Welt zunehmend gestört – und damit das pure Vergnügen, andere Länder zu besuchen. Die Tourismusbranche stellt sich darauf ein und wirbt mit Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit. Wie also werden wir in Zukunft reisen? Sind die sorglosen Zeiten endgültig vorbei? Befinden wir uns an einem Wendepunkt, was unser Reiseverhalten betrifft? Welche Wege schlägt die Tourismuswirtschaft angesichts der Herausforderungen bezüglich Klima, Krisen und Wirtschaft ein? Darüber diskutieren wir auf der weltgrößten Tourismusmesse mit geladenen Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft.

Nie wieder unbeschwert? Die Zukunft des Reisens (I)
Nie wieder unbeschwert? Die Zukunft des Reisens (II)
Nie wieder unbeschwert? Die Zukunft des Reisens (III)

Wer sich nicht die gesamte Sendezeit freimachen kann, der/dem sei vor allem die letzte halbe Stunde ans Herz gelegt.

Dirk Rogl
Dirk Rogl
Lee Hayhurst
Lee Hayhurst
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Opening: The latest Trends for a tech-driven Industry
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 10:30 - 11:00 Uhr
Travel Technology is the backbone of the travel industry. At the opening of Data Talks moderator Dirk Rogl and Lee Hayhurst, Executive Editor of Travolution, lo
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
Opening: The latest Trends for a tech-driven Industry
90 min

Erik Händeler
Erik Händeler
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Sybille Reiß
Sybille Reiß
Edmund Bartlett
Edmund Bartlett
Oliver Puhe
Oliver Puhe
Harald Pechlaner
Harald Pechlaner
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
New narratives for work in travel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 10:30 - 12:00 Uhr
The manifold crises have shown the hospitality industry its boundaries. Vulnerability arises from less resilient business models and by questioning the meaning
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Keynote & Panel
Keynote & Panel
New narratives for work in travel
10 min

Hans-Ingo Biehl
Hans-Ingo Biehl
Christoph Carnier
Christoph Carnier
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Opening & Welcome
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 10:30 - 10:40 Uhr
#Business Travel
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
Opening & Welcome
25 min

Michael Trauttmansdorff
Michael Trauttmansdorff
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Insights into the new consumer journey and how businesses can connect with travelers wherever they are
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 10:40 - 11:05 Uhr
The modern traveler’s preferences are evolving as consumers have never had more options — more ways to get inspired, more ways to research, and more ways to boo
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
Insights into the new consumer journey and how businesses can connect with travelers wherever they are
30 min

Suzanne Neufang
Suzanne Neufang
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Business Travel Is Back. So Where Do We Go From Here?
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 10:40 - 11:10 Uhr
Suzanne Neufang, CEO, Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), will share insights and outlooks on the current and future state of global business travel and
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Is Back. So Where Do We Go From Here?
30 min

Lee Hayhurst
Lee Hayhurst
Sasha Gainullin
Sasha Gainullin
William Plummer
William Plummer
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
The Science of giving Customers what they want
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
In the session brought to you by specialist travel technology publisher Travolution we will explain why it is becoming essential to adopt cutting-edge approache
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
The Science of giving Customers what they want
35 min

Fabio Griemens
Fabio Griemens
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Car sharing, eBikes, eScooters - is this the future of corporate travel?
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:10 - 11:45 Uhr
Our society is moving towards a sharing economy – this applies especially to mobility, where users and travellers increasingly leverage vehicles on demand rathe
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
Car sharing, eBikes, eScooters - is this the future of corporate travel?
25 min

Eduardo Bosch
Eduardo Bosch
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
ITB C-Level Interview - Louvre Hotels Group
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:15 - 11:40 Uhr
#Hospitality #CEO #Trends #Marketing #Distribution
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
ITB C-Level Interview - Louvre Hotels Group
30 min

Jan-Frederik Valentin
Jan-Frederik Valentin
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
How Blockchain reshapes Travel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:30 - 12:00 Uhr
Like almost all emerging technologies, Blockchain has been declared dead a hundred times. Now it is here to stay and changes the way people can buy and travel.
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
How Blockchain reshapes Travel
20 min

Ray Chen
Ray Chen
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Reconnecting the World
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:45 - 12:05 Uhr
Keynote from Ray Chen, SVP at Group and CEO of Accommodation Business - More details coming shortly. #Distribution #Technology #OTA #Marketing #Future
Marketing & Distribution Track

Mark Appun
Mark Appun
Joachim Schmidt
Joachim Schmidt
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
What business travel means for the hybrid workforce
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 11:45 - 12:30 Uhr
With many employees now working in a hybrid workplace model, business travel is more important than ever to encourage connection, foster collaboration and get i
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
Keynote & Panel
Keynote & Panel
What business travel means for the hybrid workforce
60 min

Tobias Klöpf
Tobias Klöpf
Brian Young
Brian Young
Iris Wolfer
Iris Wolfer
Birthe Menke
Birthe Menke
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Time is…? Money, recovery, work, holiday, with us, against us, everywhere. Tourism as a keeper of time.
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Tourism has always been concerned with the quality of our leisure time, things we want to experience and the importance we attach to them in everyday life. On t
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
Time is…? Money, recovery, work, holiday, with us, against us, everywhere. Tourism as a keeper of time.
30 min

Anke Hsu
Anke Hsu
Dirk Rogl
Dirk Rogl
Jan-Frederik Valentin
Jan-Frederik Valentin
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Powered by Blockchain: New Use Cases for Travel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:00 - 12:30 Uhr
What is the specific benefit of blockchain? Chain4Travel has started to firmly establish blockchain in tourism. Anke Hsu, Head of Business Development, gives in
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
Powered by Blockchain: New Use Cases for Travel
30 min

Garry Wiseman
Garry Wiseman
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Taking a Fresh Perspective: A Technologists View of Travel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:10 - 12:40 Uhr
After the pandemic and amidst multifaceted challenges, the travel industry is settling into a new sense of normalcy. Yet, to paraphrase the philosopher Heraclit
Impulse & Interview
Impulse & Interview
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
Taking a Fresh Perspective: A Technologists View of Travel
45 min

Luis Roever
Luis Roever
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Mastering Transformation – How electrification in business travel helps companies to reach their CO2 goals
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:30 - 13:15 Uhr
Business Travel must become more climate neutral, and travelers are requesting options especially when self-driving. The Rental car sector is keen on electrify
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
Mastering Transformation – How electrification in business travel helps companies to reach their CO2 goals
30 min

Andreas Kastl
Andreas Kastl
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
A data-led Approach to optimizing your Channel Mix and Performance
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Analysing 100 million annual reservations, 35,000 hotels and 450+ connected integrations, SiteMinder’s Hotel Booking Trends is a review of the global booking be
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
A data-led Approach to optimizing your Channel Mix and Performance
20 min

John Boris
John Boris
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
ITB C-Level Interview - TripAdvisor
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 12:45 - 13:05 Uhr
John Boris, SVP and Chief Marketing Officer at TripAdvisor in an exclusive interview. #Marketing #Digitalization #Travel Behavior #OTA #Technology
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
ITB C-Level Interview - TripAdvisor
30 min

Carlos Cendra Cruz
Carlos Cendra Cruz
Martin Reichhart
Martin Reichhart
Dirk Rogl
Dirk Rogl
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Sustinable Business Intelligence
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:00 - 13:30 Uhr
State-of-the-art technology is an important foundation for sustainable travel. And business intelligence is the natural link. Two best cases show how digital da
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
Sustinable Business Intelligence
60 min

Stephen Dutton
Stephen Dutton
Tobias Klöpf
Tobias Klöpf
Frank Grafenstein
Frank Grafenstein
Luís Araújo
Luís Araújo
Julia-Sophie Ezinger
Julia-Sophie Ezinger
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Blended Travel: Are we all getting remote?
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
A game changer for the HR department, a dream for a growing share of workers and a new vertical for the travel industry: It’s all about workation. How do get a
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
Blended Travel: Are we all getting remote?
15 min

Charles Ehredt
Charles Ehredt
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Why Travel Loyalty Programs are Essential to Long-term Success
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:15 - 13:30 Uhr
How to drive Customer Loyalty in the New Era of Travel and Hospitality. #Marketing #Guest Experience #Technology #Blockchain #Personalization
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
Why Travel Loyalty Programs are Essential to Long-term Success
30 min

Kathrein Walter
Kathrein Walter
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
From Fax to PDF and from a travel booking to a visa - the digitalization of the application for entry documents.
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:15 - 13:45 Uhr
#Business Travel
Business Travel Track
Business Travel Track
From Fax to PDF and from a travel booking to a visa - the digitalization of the application for entry documents.
30 min

Rainer Schäfer
Rainer Schäfer
Marc de GIBON
Marc de GIBON
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
How Data become truly personalized
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:30 - 14:00 Uhr
Huge amounts of data, but poor findability for user and guests. The personalization of tourism content is an enormous challenge that makes customers happy and s
Data Talks Track
Data Talks Track
How Data become truly personalized
30 min

Charles Ehredt
Charles Ehredt
Vikas Bhola
Vikas Bhola
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Amanda Du
Amanda Du
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Customer Loyalty in the New Era of Travel and Hospitality
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 13:30 - 14:00 Uhr
What is working in Loyalty in Travel & Hospitality? What is not? #Trends #Marketing #Best Practice #Customer Behavior #Personalization
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
Customer Loyalty in the New Era of Travel and Hospitality
5 min

Charlotte Lamp Davies
Charlotte Lamp Davies
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Opening: TTA Returns
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:00 - 14:05 Uhr
Tours and activities experts future gaze and share views on consumer changing behaviors, sustainability, partnerships with added benefits and how to embrace n
TTA Track
TTA Track
Opening: TTA Returns
60 min

Traci Mercer
Traci Mercer
Charuta Fadnis
Charuta Fadnis
Sabine Pracht
Sabine Pracht
Abu Bundu-Kamara
Abu Bundu-Kamara
Stephanie Wulf
Stephanie Wulf
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Gender Equity: The Pathway for the Travel Industry
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Women in leadership are still the exception in the tourism industry. Although the majority of the employees are female, the responsibility lies primarily in the
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
Gender Equity: The Pathway for the Travel Industry
60 min

David Chapman
David Chapman
Shayna Zand
Shayna Zand
Etienne Matichard
Etienne Matichard
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
GenZ and the Transformation of Travel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
WYSE Travel confederation presents a panel of youth and student travel specialists will share post-pandemic insights and discuss how motivations and behaviours
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
GenZ and the Transformation of Travel
40 min

Thomas Armitt
Thomas Armitt
Pierre Mazurier
Pierre Mazurier
Brian Young
Brian Young
Alex Grant
Alex Grant
Charlotte Lamp Davies
Charlotte Lamp Davies
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Case Studies: Smart partnerships – How suppliers and T & A companies face the future together
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:05 - 14:45 Uhr
The digitization of tours and activities has picked up speed worldwide in the last decade. In the process, certain key drivers have stood out. In addition to OT
TTA Track
TTA Track
Case Studies: Smart partnerships – How suppliers and T & A companies face the future together
20 min

Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Kathrin Anselm
Kathrin Anselm
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
ITB Executive Interview
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr
Kathrin Anselm von Airbnb im exklusiven Interview. #Alternative Accommodation #Customer Behavior #Guest Experience #Marketing #Technology
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
ITB Executive Interview
20 min

Jennifer Andre
Jennifer Andre
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
2023​ TRAVELER VALUE INDEX: The gap between traveler expectations and industry perceptions​
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:40 - 15:00 Uhr
As the industry approaches into second quarter of 2023, Expedia Group examines traveler demand, behaviors and search volume in its 2023 Traveler Value Index. Je
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
2023​ TRAVELER VALUE INDEX: The gap between traveler expectations and industry perceptions​
45 min

Luuc Elzinga
Luuc Elzinga
Sarah Dines
Sarah Dines
Travis Pittman
Travis Pittman
Douglas Quinby
Douglas Quinby
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
How we have changed! The new Customer
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 14:45 - 15:30 Uhr
The pandemic was an undeniable accelerator of the digital revolution. Especially for the tours and activities industry, which had by some been accused of being
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
TTA Track
TTA Track
How we have changed! The new Customer
30 min

Hartmut Wimmer
Hartmut Wimmer
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Sustainability through digital visitor guidance in outdoor tourism
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Visitor management succeeds when you reach tourists in the planning phase: digitally and personalized with official content from all stakeholders in the destina
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Sustainability through digital visitor guidance in outdoor tourism
60 min

Otto Lindner
Otto Lindner
Dirk Binding
Dirk Binding
Harald Pechlaner
Harald Pechlaner
Norbert Kunz
Norbert Kunz
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Wanted: Personal dringend gesucht
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr
In vielen Bereichen fehlen Arbeitskräfte, nicht erst seit der Corona-Pandemie. Der Fachkräftemangel spitzt sich immer weiter zu. Sinkende Ausbildungszahlen, un
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
Wanted: Personal dringend gesucht
30 min

Jonathan Goutkin
Jonathan Goutkin
Michael Schumacher
Michael Schumacher
Alexander Ewig
Alexander Ewig
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
AIDA on TikTok – how to become a love brand for everyone
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:10 - 15:40 Uhr
How can travel brands benefit from the rise of TikTok? Why should a presence on the platform be considered and which are the options? Jonathan (Creative Agency,
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
AIDA on TikTok – how to become a love brand for everyone
30 min

Samantha Fay
Samantha Fay
Charlotte Lamp Davies
Charlotte Lamp Davies
Andrew McGuinness
Andrew McGuinness
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Augmented Reality – The Potential, The Upsell & The Opportunities
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Reality meets AR. How can top attractions in the travel sector work with AR driven technology companies and what’s the benefits? Imagine you take a stroll aroun
TTA Track
TTA Track
Augmented Reality – The Potential, The Upsell & The Opportunities
30 min

Agathe Daudibon
Agathe Daudibon
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Cycling, the perfect answer to the needs of today’s tourism
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Tourism needs to change. And cycling tourism can make a difference! Climate change? Cycling offers a planet-friendly mode of transport. Sedentary lifestyle? Ac
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Tra

Fernando Martín
Fernando Martín
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Peter Altmann
Peter Altmann
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
The Truth about the Future of Mobility
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 15:45 - 16:10 Uhr
Impulse and Panel Discussion: What does the Future hold for Mobility and Travel? What are the trends impacting this space? How can the sector tackle current seg
Impuls & Panel
Impuls & Panel
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
The Truth about the Future of Mobility
60 min

Dirk Rogl
Dirk Rogl
Michael Schumacher
Michael Schumacher
Christian Rex
Christian Rex
Stefanie Berk
Stefanie Berk
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Best Practices: Mit Herz und Verstand gegen den Fachkräftemangel
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Neue Narrative können helfen, um den Fachkräftemangel zu beheben. Aber Allgemeinrezepte bleiben rar. Gefragt sind kreative Ideen, persönliche Ansprache und Unte
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Best Practices: Mit Herz und Verstand gegen den Fachkräftemangel
60 min

Ambrosos Gasser
Ambrosos Gasser
Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez
Danielle Thornton
Danielle Thornton
Manal Kelig
Manal Kelig
Gergana Nikolova
Gergana Nikolova
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Empowering Travelers by Eliminating Unsustainable Choices
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr
In this provocative session, gain practical and actionable guidance from the Adventure Travel Trade Association and other leading organizations in the outdoor l
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Empowering Travelers by Eliminating Unsustainable Choices
30 min

Ted Clements
Ted Clements
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
What’s Tech Got to Do With It? Supporting Small- and Medium-Sized Travel Businesses [powered by WeTavel]
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:00 - 16:30 Uhr
WeTravel’s CEO, Ted Clements (he/him), will discuss the emergence of innovative, travel-specific technology created to support small- to medium-sized travel bus
TTA Track
TTA Track
What’s Tech Got to Do With It? Supporting Small- and Medium-Sized Travel Businesses [powered by WeTavel]
20 min

Yuen Suzanna Chiu
Yuen Suzanna Chiu
Andrea D’Amico
Andrea D’Amico
David Soskin
David Soskin
Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
ITB Travel Tech Startup Session - Where’s the Innovation at?
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:20 - 16:40 Uhr
What are the trends & developments in the startup scene in travel technology? What innovations is the travel and tourism industry, and what innovations are the
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
ITB Travel Tech Startup Session - Where’s the Innovation at?
30 min

Emmanuel Marot
Emmanuel Marot
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Google for Destinations: Visual Experiences on Search
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Join this session to learn how Google is helping travelers explore their next destination through inspiring content, and walk away knowing how to benefit from G
TTA Track
TTA Track
Google for Destinations: Visual Experiences on Search
50 min

Lea Jordan
Lea Jordan
Andrea D’Amico
Andrea D’Amico
Hicham Benyebdri
Hicham Benyebdri
David Soskin
David Soskin
Yuen Suzanna Chiu
Yuen Suzanna Chiu
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
Hall 7.1a Orange Stage
ITB Travel Tech Startup Pitches - Where’s the Innovation at?
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 16:40 - 17:30 Uhr
Four Startup Founders pitch their innovative business ideas to the jury and the audience, and receive live feedback. #Technology #Startup #Trends #Future #Busin
Marketing & Distribution Track
Marketing & Distribution Track
ITB Travel Tech Startup Pitches - Where’s the Innovation at?
30 min

Pia Mingenbach
Pia Mingenbach
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Heinz-Dieter Quack
Sabine Pracht
Sabine Pracht
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Future Work: Wrap up des Tages
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 17:00 - 17:30 Uhr
Gibt es noch Fragen zur Zukunft der Arbeit? Aber gewiss doch. Hier hat die junge Generation das Wort. Pia Mingenbach interviewt Sabine Pracht und Heinz-Dieter Q
Future Work Track
Future Work Track
Future Work: Wrap up des Tages
30 min

Myank Jain
Myank Jain
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Hall 6.1 eTravel Stage
Travel Smart - TRZMO Super App for Frictionless Travel [powered by TRZMO]
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 17:00 - 17:30 Uhr
Global travelers are back and are demanding “frictionless” travel – made possible by a combination of smart technology and human-led innovation. The post-pandem
TTA Track
TTA Track
Travel Smart - TRZMO Super App for Frictionless Travel [powered by TRZMO]
120 min

Ruth Franklin
Ruth Franklin
Nils Olsen
Nils Olsen
Kristiina Hietasaari
Kristiina Hietasaari
Mira Poling Anselmi
Mira Poling Anselmi
Jeanette Buller
Jeanette Buller
Simon Bosshart
Simon Bosshart
Bertrand Charlet
Bertrand Charlet
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Hall 3.1 Green Stage
Adventure Connect Adventure Means Business: Sustainable Adventure Travel & Your Bottom Line
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr
The ATTA will be shedding light on key insights from the adventure and outdoor travel industry with the ATTA’s latest responsible traveler trends and sustainabl
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Youth, Adventure & Outdoor Track
Adventure Connect Adventure Means Business: Sustainable Adventure Travel & Your Bottom Line
60 min

Ralf Roth
Ralf Roth
Jürgen Schmude
Jürgen Schmude
Anna Klein
Anna Klein
Markus Pillmayer
Markus Pillmayer
Monika Bandi Tanner
Monika Bandi Tanner
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Hall 7.1b Blue Stage
Verleihung des DGT-ITB Wissenschaftspreises 2023 (Language: German only)
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 17:30 - 18:30 Uhr
Auf der Internationalen Tourismus-Börse wird auch im Jahr 2023 wieder der Wissenschaftspreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. verliehen
Future Work Track

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