Greetings by the Chancellor and the Rector
Dear students and prospective students,
a truly extraordinary year lies behind us, and an equally extraordinary summer semester 2021 is about to begin. The corona pandemic has also changed teaching and research in and at our university. It has become quiet in the house and we can say: We really miss the personal contact and conversation with you and hope that this will possible again soon. But currently health protection takes priority. In doing so, we strictly adhere to the guidelines and recommendations of the responsible Senate Chancellery Higher Education and Research Berlin and the RKI.
Contact Person[...]
After the first lockdown in 2020, we managed to offer the entire teaching - that was about 25,000 hours in the summer semester 2020 at our university - completely online within a few days. The feedback from you about the online semester was very positive. We would like to thank you very much for this.It encourages us to be optimistic about the current summer semester as well. Our primary goal was and is to do everything possible to enable you to study within the standard period of study. We have invested time and money in order to be able to study without restrictions even under constantly changing conditions. And we will continue to do so. New technology, new methods, new processes: we are constantly reviewing and improving our approach, our service and our work. For studies without cutbacks.
We hope you enjoy the summer semester!
Your University Management
Heide Traemann, Chancellor | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer, Rector
Greetings by the German Federal President

Do have a look at:
Here you will find the wording [1] and the video of the speech in German - and asap - the video with english subtitles will follow. Here you can read the translation into English:
Rede an die Studierenden in Deutschland
Today’s First Meeting Information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
183 881 5399
Host key:
Housekeeping Remarks
as published by the Examination Management on Friday, March 19th 2021, 4:53pm
Dear students of the Management of Creative Industries (M.A.).
Your previous grades, which were available in the old campus management system have been transferred to the new campus management system.
Accordingly, the bbw community has also been expanded with the functionality for you to be able to view the section "Performance record" under the tab "My studies".
What needs to be done from now on?
1. Please urgently set up your email account with Microsoft 365 From 04/01/2021 we will send the correspondences for grade publication to this eMail address. Instructions on how to set this up can be found on moodle in the "Virtueller Campus", under section 19. 2. The functionality of the bbw community has been extended to your corresponding stage by the tab "My studies" and the item "Performance overview".
3. Use your own records and documents, such as previous performance overviews or lists of grades published in Moodle courses, to check the information shown in the grade overview.
4. Remain calm if you notice discrepancies and contact the examination management to clarify them. Transferring grades from one system to another is a multidimensional process and may lead to rework in individual and specific cases.
5. If necessary, contact the Examination Management via the tab "Documentcenter" and the item "requests" to obtain a transcript of records from the old Campus Management System if you do not have any records and documentation of your previous grades from your studies.
Thank you very much!
Your Examination Management
Link bbw-Community:
Do you have questions about your Community access data? Please contact the student office:
Minor Changes
Up to now, the interpersonal communication was organized by those media-tools, that were available to all the participants beforehand: personal mail addresses, WhatsApp—accounts and so forth. From this term on, the communication between the students and the staff will be handled based on those tools, given and managed by the University:
Students: matriculation number [AT]
Staff (in this case): wolf.siegert [AT]
WebEx Changes
Please do update your software a.s.a.p.: in this course we will exploit, implement and use the WebEx Breakout Sessions. If possible, we’ll have a trial phase already this Friday. Here you’ll find more insights:
> in German [2]
> in English (textbased)
– Webex Meetings (from the Cisco Webex Heip Center)
– Manage Breakout Sessions in Cisco Webex Training (from the Cisco Webex Heip Center)
> in English (videobased)
– WebEx Training: Breakout Sessions (the official tutorial)
– Webex Breakout Sessions / Webex Breakout Rooms - How To and Demo (a private tutorial)
Major Changes
The Management of Creative Industries (Master of Arts) Exams will follow newly established rules. [3] Here you find the German [4] as well as the English version
"Starting with §18, you will find the instructions for the examinations that are currently held online". (CW) :
Although the english version is declared as a "Non-offical reading version" we will quote those chapters concerning the examination:
Section 18 General Examination Regulations
(1) Examinations are intended to determine whether a candidate has acquired the required competences of the respective module and is able to apply the gained knowledge and skills independently.
(2) The examination method for a particular module is defined in the module descriptions as Annex 2 of the Study and Examination Regulations.
(3) The following examination methods are accepted for the integrated module examination at bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences: written exam, written paper, paper and portfolio assessment.
(4) To ensure the implementation of the examination, the examination management must be informed about the exact examination method in accordance with sections 21, 22, 23 and 24 of these regulations.
(5) Students shall be informed about the exact configuration (type and manner) of the examination, the examination method defined in the respective module descriptions, as well as its implementation on the learning portal, no later than the first lecture of a module.
(6) Examinations failed during the course of study may be repeated twice.
Section 21 Written Exams
(1) Written exams are intended to prove a candidate’s ability to identify and solve problems from areas of the respective module, using the common methods of their subject area to work out a solution within a limited time frame and with the approved tools.
(2) Written examinations take place under supervision on the premises of the bbw University of Applied Sciences or, if suitable, digitally. The time allocated for the examination may be set at a minimum of 90 minutes, 120 minutes or a maximum of 150 minutes and is defined in the digital descriptions of the respective subject/modules. An additional 45 minutes must be granted for digital examinations (online examinations), to allow for potential technical challenges. This additional time allowance must be taken into account within the systems used for the online examinations.
(3) The tasks of a written exam are usually set by an examiner. The examination papers must be submitted to the examination management at least 14 days prior to the examination date so that the exam can be arranged in time. The examination management must ensure that this deadline is met.
(4) Written exams are to be assessed and marked according to the table provided. A grading system based on 100 points is intended to be used by default.
(5) The grading of the written exam should be communicated to the examination candidates no later than six to eight weeks after the examination date in accordance with the procedure provided for this purpose.
Section 22 Written Papers
(1) By means of written papers, candidates should demonstrate their capability of producing short pieces of writing in accordance with a task set by the examiner. Written papers can comprise a variety of texts such as essays, summaries, abstracts, excerpts, thesis statements or case studies etc.
(2) Written papers should comprise of at least 6 but no more than 10 pages. Deviations from this rule may be permitted in reasonable exceptional circumstances.
(3) Processing time for written papers is four to six weeks.
(4) Specific examination modalities for a written paper, such as scope, duration and due date, should be determined by the examiner who should also observe the usual dead- lines and inform the examination management as well as the students in accordance with section 18 paragraphs 4 and 5.
(5) Written papers are to be submitted to the respective examiner by the agreed due date. The correction and grading of a written paper is to be communicated to the students not later than six to eight weeks after the due date and in accordance with the procedure provided for this purpose. After correction and grading, the written papers are to be sent to the examination management for safekeeping.
Section 23 Papers
(1) By means of a paper, students should prove that they are capable of transferring theoretical or factual knowledge into applicable knowledge, and that they can demonstrate a confident handling of scientific sources, data analysis and scientific formulations by applying scientific working methods.
(2) A paper can be completed as a minor paper (kleine Hausarbeit) with a length of 8 to 12 pages, or as a major paper (große Hausarbeit) not below 15 but not above 25 pages per student.
(3) Papers can be completed as individual or group work. In doing so, attention must be paid to compliance with section 19 paragraph 7.
(4) Minor paper s are intended as assessments during the course of study, while major papers are set in the modules “Student Reseach Project”, “Student Research Project I” and “Student Reseach Project”.
(5) The scope, duration and submission date of the minor paper are determined by the examiner who shall also observe the usual time limits and inform the examination management and students in accordance with section 18 paragraphs 4 and 5.
(6) The topic for the major paper as part of the modules “Student Reseach Project”, “Student Reseach Project I” and “Student Reseach Project II” will be agreed with an examiner. The agreed topic and examiner must be verified by a previously announced deadline via the system provided by the university.
(7) The processing time for a minor papers is four to six weeks, and eight weeks from topic confirmation to submission deadline for major papers which are part of the modules “Student Reseach Project”, “Student Reseach Project I” and “Student Reseach Project II”.
(8) The major paper must be submitted via the system provided by the university by the submission deadline.
(9) Papers are usually graded by the respective examiners.
(10) Students must be informed about the grading of their assignment no later than eight weeks after the submission deadline in accordance with the procedure provided for this purpose.
Section 24 Portfolio Assessment
(1) The portfolio assessment is an accumulated examination method which is taken during the course of a semester and which offers the opportunity to combine different exam elements so that a variety of competences can be assessed. A portfolio may combine written elements (this list is not exhaustive) such as essays, reports, extracts, summaries, synopses, reviews and tests, with oral elements (this list is not exhaustive) such as talks, presentations, discussions, statements, or practical tasks (this list is not exhaustive) such as samples, models, model layouts and graphic designs. This examination method is suitable for digital implementation.
(2) An individual element of a portfolio assessment must not be of the same scope as a standalone examination method in accordance with sections 21, 22, and 23.
(3) The end date of the portfolio assessment (i.e., the assessment date), the exact scope and number of portfolio elements offered and to be evaluated, their individual deadlines and substitute options, as well as the respective assessment scales are determined by the examiner, who shall also inform the examination management and students in accordance with sections 18 paragraphs 4 and 5.
(4) If an insufficient amount of portfolio elements is compiled to be assessed/graded, the portfolio is graded with a score of 5.0 (insufficient) and the examination is assessed as “failed”.
(5) A portfolio assessment may only be repeated as a whole. Elements already developed and assessed may not be used for repeat exams.
(6) As opposed to section 19 paragraph 13, repeat exams for portfolios are conducted and offered by the lecturer (i.e., the examiner) during the respective semester. As a general rule, processing of the repeat portfolio exam can start after a two-week break from the date of the original examination. Examination management and students shall be in- formed about the modalities according to paragraph 3 in good time and in accordance with section 18 paragraphs 4 and 5.
(7) Further attempts to repeat a portfolio exam may be possible in the following semesters within a current course on offer and in conjunction with a subsequent examination offer.
MCI Regulations
To complete the whole info-scope: here are the "Study and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programme Management of Creative Industries (MCI), Department: Economics and Business Administration" in English [5]
and in German:
Follow-up Infos
International Online Info Event
Starts:Tuesday, 2021-04-20, 3:00 pm
Ends:Tuesday, 2021-04-20, 4:00 pm